Rejection: Promotional Offer Product Code

Hello Devs,

our app uses auto-renewable subscription. Under "Features" App-Store-Connect allows to create a "Promotional Offer". At creating you are asked to type-in a "Product Code". "The code that customers will enter to redeem this promotional offer. This code is case sensitive."

So I am asking you where users should type this code in? As these codes are not unique (you can freely create them) they do not work in the App-Store- App.

We implemented the offer as documented:

This documentation does not say anything about the product code at all. So we created a textfield where users can type-in the code and then we pass this right to the request for possible and eligible offers. Although it was really difficult to deal with the gaps of information, we finally got it working.

The App- Store- Review- Team rejected our app by telling us, we would use different mechanisms as StoreKit API, which is not the case. We are only trying to implement the feature that is offered.

Also they are referring to App-Store-Guidelines 3.1.1: "Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers, ..." After multiple attempts to ask, they first ignored to enter on the product code and suggested to use other features instead. Finally they adviced us to ask here in the forum to get any clarification or experience. The App-Store-Review- Team did not know this feature.

So does anybody ever tried to use that Product Codes? is this feature not usable at all or at this time? Or is the App-Store-Review-Team not up-to-date?

I would be interested in any experience or observations you made on this topic.

Thanks in advance!

> rejected our app by telling us,

Rather than simply paraphrase that rejection, it can help to quote it directly, thanks. Quote them all, so we can see the exhange, pls.

I can't explain why app review doesn't know what's going on, but it sounds like you and they are talking past each other since IAP promo codes aren't new...if that means review has their head up, err, in the sand on this one, it's a sad day when we have to do their job yet again.

In the mean time - this SO thread talks about both dev and user side IAP promo code use:

• Dev side:

This thread illustrates user side:

• User side: h ttps://

@asedfasfydsfaq Did you get ever get your app submitted with your custom coupon solution? Can you provide any further information?
Rejection: Promotional Offer Product Code