UIUserInterfaceStyle key invalid

I tried to validate an app in Xcode 10.3, and got an error:

Invalid Info.plist Key. The key 'UIUserInterfaceStyle' in the Payload/AppName.appInfo.plist file is not valid.

No problem yesterday with the same key.

Same here! Has anyone found a solution for this error?

Same!!! It was working fine earlier this monrning.

You are not alone.

ERROR ITMS-90190: "Invalid Info.plist Key. The key 'UIUserInterfaceStyle' in the Payload/brownie.appInfo.plist file is not valid."

Same problem here

Seeing the same as well:

ERROR ITMS-90190: "Invalid Info.plist Key. The key 'UIUserInterfaceStyle' in the Payload/APPNAMEHERE.appInfo.plist file is not valid."

The issue has been observered through Archive and Fastlane upload.



Same here, anybody got news?

Also seeing this on our uploads, when they were working the day before. This key is needed for us, since we can't support dark mode yet - it's not an engineering/design priority for us, and we don't have the staff to support it right now. Unacceptable to bully us into supporting it at this point.

I am experiancing the exact same issus ... cannot find a problem in the plist as well.


I havn't added this "User Interface Style" key in my info.plist so it was added automatically. I suspect that Apple is using that for the black/white theme on iOS 13 and they started a test or something 2 days ago with the beta upload (still a theory).

The bottom line is that removing it solved my problem.

how can i to fix it , i can use it before 4 day ago...because my app do not use the dark mode. is there any way to forbid dark mode?

Same problem!

Same here app built with Xcode 10.2.

Official document says:

The system automatically opts in any app linked against the iOS 13.0 or later SDK to both light and dark appearances. If you need extra time to work on your app's Dark Mode support, you can temporarily opt out by including the

key (with a value of
) in your app’s
file. Setting this key to
causes the system to ignore the user's preference and always apply a light appearance to your app.

It sepcifically mentions "any app linked against the iOS 13.0 or later SDK". Does it means we don't need add the flag unless the binary is built with Xcode 11 and iOS 13? If not, can someone create a rdar ticket?

It looks a though removing the key also allows for forcing light mode. I imagine it's a bug Apple has introduced as it's still listing "Light" as a valid value in the docs. Luckily it seems to remove the key altogether it achieves the same result.


The same document also states that:

This key is supported in tvOS 10.0 and later. Other platforms ignore this key.

Apparently it's time to work on the interface - once again...

I can confirm when built with Xcode 10.2 removing the key, forces light mode. However, building with Xcode 11 automatically enrolls you in dark mode. My build server is using Xcode 10.2 and removing the key allows it to be published and forces light mode. "For now"

Me too!!!

I'm using xcode 10.2 and I don't even have an iOS13 device to test dark mode! (iPhone5s won't get iOS 13)

I had to remove this key.

I'm about to upload my app to app store, god bless me.

Any update here? We want to opt out of dark mode for now, but also want to continue testing our app...

Don't include the new UIUserInterfaceStyle key when submitting your app with XCode 10. When run on an iOS 13 device, it will work in Light Mode only. Use TestFlight to install your app on an iOS 13 device.

Only add the UIUserInterfaceStyle key when using XCode 11.

I'm also having the same issue.
I think maybe we have misunderstood the usage of this key. In the docs they've mentioned that it is only for tvOS.

UIUserInterfaceStyle key invalid