Testflight Validate ERROR ITMS-90778 NDEF is disallowed

I am trying to upload my app to TestFlight, which using CoreNFC

Unfortunately, I got the error message on Testflight Validate part in (SDK version 13 and 13.1).

I already tried [this]: Xcode 11 beta can't upload app to TestFlight

but it will Lose NDEF function [this]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58128365/5588637

Error messages: Invalid entitlement for core nfc framework The sdk version 13.0 and min OS version 13.0 are not compatible for the entitlement 'com. Apple developer nfc. Readersession formats because NDEF is disallowed

I already choose target iOS 13.1 in XCode, but also have this error.

image 1: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19588517/65782718-dceb9180-e180-11e9-88d9-d21c2dcb5701.png

image 2: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19588517/65782843-263be100-e181-11e9-8639-48fb64c5e08d.png

Same issue here.

Have you found a solution?

Have you found a solution?

I tried once to remove the

before the function will affect the nfc.

But the magic is when I try the second time, NFC function is work, I don't know why it doesn't affect the nfc function.

I also posted this question in stackoverflow

Following this Stack Overflow answer, I have manually removed the NDEF entitlement and was able to upload my app to the App Store without the ITMS-90778 error I was experiencing.

But this leaves me with a lot of questions...
  1. Why does Xcode add an entitlement that needs to be removed for uploading to the App Store? Is this a bug? Should I file a radar?

  2. I have now removed the NDEF entitlement. What will this cause? I am testing my app with a some cheap NFC Tags and everything seem to work, both reading and writing (and this includes the readerSession(_ session: NFCNDEFReaderSession, didDetectNDEFs messages: [NFCNDEFMessage]) NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate method that, as made clear by the name, handles the NDEF message of the tag), but have I maybe reduced the number of tags my app will be compatible with, by removing this entitlement?

  3. Another Stack Overflow answer with some upvotes describes the need to also add an ISO7816 application identifiers for NFC Tag Reader Session key to the Info.plist file with a com.apple.developer.nfc.readersession.iso7816.select-identifiers value. I didn't do it and my app seem to work, but again, is this necessary? If I add this, what happens?

Thank you for all the informations you can provide, testing this in production is rather scary...
The same is happening to me on Xcode 12. Can we get some help from Apple here?

I got the same problem on Xcode 13.3

Still happening in Xcode 13.4.1 @Apple please investigate

Same here

Same here, what gives? Would be great with some direction from @Apple

Here the same! Has anybody solved it?

Same here, happened when I increased the deployment target of our app to 13 (was 12.4)

this happens when I increased the deployment target of our app to 13.4 (was 11), any help please?

same here @Apple

Have you done with this?

I experience the same issue. Does anyone fixed that?

Testflight Validate ERROR ITMS-90778 NDEF is disallowed