Taxes in Exhibit B.2 countries

No, I'm not asking for tax advice here.

What I would like ot know are most people handing the requirement in the Section 2, Exhibit B, number 2 ? At the time of this writing it reads:
"2. Apple shall not collect and remit the taxes described in Section 3.2 of this Schedule 2 for sales of the Licensed Applications to End-Users located in the countries listed below, as updated from time to time via the App Store Connect site. You shall be solely responsible for the collection and remittance of such taxes as may be required by local law."


I am a tiny company. I assume that if Apple found it not worth their effort to figure out that tax requirements in that long list of countries, it is not something that any of us would want to try to handle either?

Am I missing something? So mostly everyone is just not selling in those countries? (Sadly, a couple of my Beta testers were in one of these countries and I fear that I must now abandon them.)

As long as you are not residing in any of those countries, I suspect you can wait for the tax representative to contact you and ask you for the $4.23 you might actually owe.

Interesting scam - write to all developers demanding some small payment for taxes owed in Yugoslavobiaville.

I too have the same question as you. I've even copied the same piece of text as you hoping somebody could help.

The easy solution would be to restrict my apps to only those countries listed in EXHIBIT B. Number 2. Alternatively maybe we could distribute our app for free in thoss countries.

It would be interesting to hear from other developers who sell internationally about what they do with regards to tax collection.


> Wayne, based on the silence (sic), I think people are hoping they don't get caught, not realizing that in some cases, the penalties may far exceed the amount they would owe otherwise.

Can you give us a reference for "the penalties may far exceed..."? Are you aware of anyone who was so fined?

I am expecting to release my app in the next few days and will be turning off access for those countries which Apple doesn’t collect taxes for which is disappointing. I hope you have success with your app :-) Wayne

Hi Barry and everyone!

Its a very good question. We sell in all the countries that Apple allows, including the countries in the Exhibit B.2. Unfortunately I have, despite long and tiring discussions with my Accountant, still the exact same question (as I am not convinced of his answer) .
I find it very strange that Apple would transfer only some of the money VAT free and some not. It would be very messy and more hassle than its worth (unless you're earning some decent $ from those places ) I expect. If Apples doesn't pay it locally do we need to??

So far my Accountant tells me that my company is responsible for paying that 'missing' VAT, this means that every month they need to sit down and calculate out all the sales per country for the ExhibitB.2 countries and work out how much VAT that is that I need to pay locally to the government as a result.

As someone mentioned, it really is the question whether any of those countries would bother to chase this money down, also I wonder why, if VAT is due on these sales, Apple wouldn't have to just pay it to begin with?

In any case if anyone else knows the answer to this (particularly of interest to me would be the German rule/law as this is my country of residence).

Hey Peter

Have you found an easy solution with your accountant to provide VAT in the listed countrys where Apple is leaving it to the developer?
I am also from germany and just about to figure out all these obligations you have as an developer when it comes to correct Tax survilance. What`s interesting is that the google playstore is also only providing VAT support in similar countrys as Apple.


Let's not forget that in many countries it is mandatory to register for VAT only after a certain turnover (in that country). It's often not like in the EU where you register for VAT from the first sale to a non-VAT foreign person (I'm not sure all EEA countries have it that way). (This is not legal advice.)

Taxes in Exhibit B.2 countries