iOS-13 Unable to receive Device Token.

Hello There,
After upgrade to iOS-13, we are unable to receive Device Token (intermittent) when we perform


neither delegates calling back.


We are performing all the operation on Wifi network So here strange thing is all is working fine with iOS-10, 11, 12 however not in iOS-13 so we are kind of blocked here, Also assuming there must be some improvement/ modification that is causing the issue.

We have tried Restart/Reboot device, Disable/Enable and Change network connection and found its working (intermittent not 100%) however this is not the actual solution of the problem. User perspective we can not force the user to Restart/ Reboot the device.

We're having the same issue and it is quite frustrating.

You did not mention permissions. I hope everything's fine but this is first that come to mind with your description:

UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { granted, error in
  if let error = error {
  print("D'oh: \(error.localizedDescription)")
  } else {
Hello Sahuja, did you solve the problem?
This is happening to me. Neither delegates was called.
Has anyone at Apple acknowledged this intermittent iOS device registration issue when using WiFi? I have been having this problem for weeks using Azure Push Notifications. Microsoft brushed it off telling us "It is an Apple issue".
This was a temporary issue that happened when testing apps in the development/sandbox environment, and caused by the device not being able to establish a connection to APNs. This has been corrected for some time now.

If you are still encountering this problem temporarily, this is likely a connection hiccup on the device side. In this context, a connection issue means that the device is not able to reach the APNs servers/ports, and/or not reachable by the APNs servers.

If you are getting stuck in the state where this isn’t working, you can try a couple things to kick start the connection again.
  1. Put the device in Airplane Mode.

  2. After a few seconds, take it out of Airplane Mode. This will cause the device to try to reestablish its persistent connection to APNs.

  3. Run your app again to request a new token

If this is not resolving the issue, you can try the same after switching to another network, if possible. Alternatively you can try switching to/from a cellular connection to see if that makes a difference.

To resolve more persistent issues, I suggest making sure that your end of the network is properly configured to allow devices access APNs.

If you use Wi-Fi behind a firewall, or using Private Access Point for cellular data, make sure you can connect to specific ports.
You need a direct, UNPROXIED connection to the APNs servers on these ports:
  • TCP port 5223 to communicate with APNs.

  • TCP port 443 or 2197 to send notifications to APNs.

  • TCP port 443 is required during device activation, and afterwards for fallback (on Wi-Fi only) if devices can't reach APNs on port 5223.

Well, I do not see installing an iOS app using Cellular Data instead of Wifi that makes use of Push Notifications as a solution.

At least Microsoft has acknowledged this iOS defect in their Xamarin Push Notification sample code...

_"On iOS 13 and greater, you may experience intermittent device registration issues if your app is running over a wireless network, rather than a cellular network. For more information, and a workaround, see iOS-13 Unable to receive Device Token on"_

We have lost endless hours dealing with this issue. I wonder why Xamarin Android does not have this issue using the same Wifi and/or Cellular tower connection. Anyone know?

iOS-13 Unable to receive Device Token.