El Capitan beta 6 + Xcode

El Capitan beta 6 broke my two Xcode, 6.4 and 7.

Someone with the same problem?

I'll reinstall both.

Answered by gc. in 38499022

The supported way to disable System Integrity Protection in those cases where it's truly necessary is to boot into the Recovery partition and turn System Integrity Protection off from there with the csrutil tool.

$ csrutil

usage: csrutil <command>

Modify the System Integrity Protection configuration. All configuration changes apply to the entire machine.

Available commands:


Disable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.


Enable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.


Display the current configuration.

The kext-dev-mode and rootless boot-args are being removed from OS X El Capitan and will no longer work.


Enough with the silly excuses. This is a developer beta, used for testing development of both OS X and iOS future SDKs, yet neither production stable or unstable developer tools cannot run on it.

This is a joke on Apple's part, but their QC issues have been a joke for a while now. A sad joke.

In case the moderators won't approve my last reply that contained a link to the delta, here's a new reply with just the workaround:

You can work around the issue by reinstalling the El Cap beta 5 delta.

Locating the delta is an exercise for the reader, but I found it by searching Twitter for "xcode 6 el capitan beta 6".

It might help if people also filed bugs.

Works like a charm!

You can reinstall Beta 5 by downloading and running the following directly from Apple's CDN. This can be done over Beta 6 without loss of data (you lose sound but disabling SIP from Recovery Mode may bring that back):



Run the FirmwareUpdate.pkg first

Anyone know what the FirmwareUpdate package does? I only ran the OSX update package, and everything seems fine so far.

You can dupe rdar://22133581

I did that, and xcode works, but now the sound not work

Having the same issue, no sound.

@juliorr did you do the firmware update AND the OS X update, or just the OS X update (like I did)?

Personaly i partitioned my mac with a 25gb only for yosemite and installed xcode 6.4 there . back to normal. only problem have to switch between both OS

i install first the OSX update and after the fimware, i need do this in the other side ?

I filed a bug on this (22136426)

Sounds like a good option. Will keep in mind if new build is not released soon. Anybody actually implement this solution?

Or 22121679

Conftiming - this way Xcode is fixed. Also, yes, sound is broken (installed firmware, then delta update)


There's a possibility (only) that SIP is preventing audio drivers from loading properly. Someone could test that by disabling it from Recovery Mode temporarily...

Can confirm that this works, i'm able to run XCode 6.4 again. However, as others are reporting, sound no longer works. Output and input lists for devices under Sound in System Preferences are empty.

Someone please test if temporarily disabling SIP by booting into Recovery Mode (cmd+R):

Utilities > Security Configuration > uncheck "Enforce System Integrity Protection"

Then booting normally fixes the sound issue...

Did not work for me.

Just tried that and sound is back.

Turning SIP back on breaks sound again. I've also noticed that the Stocks and Weather widgets in the notification area are both broken now also.

Thanks, that's one for working and one for not - any more testers?

Strange, my sound and widgets are working.

Sound volume button is active after SIP disabling but sound is not working still. Widgets were working before and working after

Thanks for testing - results seem mixed.

El Capitan beta 6 + Xcode