El Capitan beta 6 + Xcode

El Capitan beta 6 broke my two Xcode, 6.4 and 7.

Someone with the same problem?

I'll reinstall both.

Answered by gc. in 38499022

The supported way to disable System Integrity Protection in those cases where it's truly necessary is to boot into the Recovery partition and turn System Integrity Protection off from there with the csrutil tool.

$ csrutil

usage: csrutil <command>

Modify the System Integrity Protection configuration. All configuration changes apply to the entire machine.

Available commands:


Disable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.


Enable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.


Display the current configuration.

The kext-dev-mode and rootless boot-args are being removed from OS X El Capitan and will no longer work.


The sudo mv command worked ... sort of... Xcode now compiles and can even run the Simulator, but crashes on hitting a breakpoint, or editing project settings.

nice job man! tks

Worked, so far.

I created a script to do this, gisted here, usage:

./save_xcode_for_el_cap.bash <path-to-xcode>

thank you!

I can confirm that these two patches work.



While this did give me back two working versions of Xcode, after rolling back with this method, all sound has stopped working (coreaudio does not appear to load). However I can see the audio hardware when I look at System Information. Some other telltale signs indicate that all is not well. My accessibility zoom and desktop switch show visible graphic lag. I will try the disabling SIP in the recovery mode. I may want to rollback to a prior backup using Time Machine if this fails. I think that loss of sound should be in big bold letters on your post (because I missed that in my first reading), hence:



Same issue. No luck re-installs, deleting derived files, restarts, etc.

+1 FWIW .. now working with the suggestion from @lembacon

A massive thanks from me too 🙂


You save my world, thank you so much!

OK. I had fixed it.


I had Same error.

My solution is: reinstall Xcode 7 Beta 4 Then Fixed the two "dyld_sim" files.(Path "iPhoneSimulator.platform" and " WatchSimulator.platform").

🙂 You are grreatt

Here's a solution :

Xcode 7 beta :


cd /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/usr/lib sudo mv dyld_sim dyld_sim.orig cd /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/WatchSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/WatchSimulator.sdk/usr/lib sudo mv dyld_sim dyld_sim.orig

Xcode 6.4 :


cd/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/usr/lib sudo mv dyld_sim dyld_sim.orig

Hope that helps!

Can't believe that they haven't release a new version of Xcode beta fixing this problem.😐


I can confirm this did NOT work for me. I'll have to wait for the next update from Apple I feel. Hope its soon.

I don't know who you are, but I will find you, and I'll pay you a hundred beers. #LifeSaver

🙂 WORK!!! Public Beta 4.


But get a crash when open *.png file.

working great exelant patch thank you so much is there an apple developer medal for such help?

thanks buddy , really cool

lembacon's fix works for me. No problem with breakpoints or project settings.

Perfect fix! Also stopped the Playgrounds from crashing.

Thanks a lot! That fixed my Xcode.

You're a real hero! 🙂

thank you @lembacon!

Reinstall if done correctly will not wipe your drive. Instead it will reload the 10.11 initial beta.

  1. Hold Cmd-R during boot up to get into Recovery mode and then choose Reinstall...
  2. After the first install is done - your existing data will be accessible as long as you do not delete it using Disk Utility or some other method.
  3. Next go to the App Store Updates and load Beta 1
  4. After Beta 1 installs, then go back to App Store Updates and load Beta 2
  5. Continue to repeat this process until you reach Beta 5
  6. STOP
  7. Do not upgrade to Beta 6 (or you will be reintroducing the same problem)
  8. Wait for a new Beta of Xcode or the OS (read the release notes before installing)
  9. Once you see a new Beta of either and have read the release notes, check the forums before installing
  10. Verify that things look good and reports that the error has been corrected
  11. Backup your system using Time Machine and then upgrade and test
El Capitan beta 6 + Xcode