Bad Bundle Executable - valid CFBundleExecutable key

I've created a bundle I've signed it with codesign, then created a signed package MyApp.pkg using productbuild.

Then I've used installer command to test its installation.

Both bundle and package, works with no problem in my box.

But when I try to upload it to App Store, it returns an error:

ERROR ITMS-90259: "Bad Bundle Executable. You must include a valid CFBundleExecutable key in your bundle's information property list file."

When check the bundle content, I've found the executable: and, while in my Info.plist I found:



Then it apears its correct!

What value should be on CFBundleExcutable is considered valid to upload to App Store? No documentation exists, and errors don't show the answer.

I had this happen to me today, but it was ERROR ITMS-90260. My CFBundleExecutable values was set to ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}. But it still failed. I ended up trying out Application Loader and that seemed to work. But it's still in the "Uploaded" state. Hopefully it gets through processing and then is available. Not sure why this happened suddenly. The only thing that changed in my system was the Mac App Store automatically updated me to OS X 10.11.1.

Well I got it through submitting my update. Now we'll see if it passes review.

Bad Bundle Executable - valid CFBundleExecutable key