My app has been in review for more than three weeks, and Apple is not giving any feedback.

Has anyone ever experienced this weird situtation before? A little background of my situation here, my company is running a high end dating app. Before we officially launched couple months ago, we tried to set a monthly subscription fee at $99.99. Then Apple review team questioned us with the high pricing. Back then we had no members before the app was launched, and we thought that Apple's concern was legitimate so we lowered the price to $29.99. And it passed the review and the app was launched.

After a month or so, we decided to adjust the price back to $99.99 now that we have a small amount of members base. We submitted an update on May 21st, and it was rejected with concern of our pricing again. We explained our business model and the reason of our pricing (which is on par among other high end dating apps) along with a newer build the next day. Ever since, the app is "in review" and nothing happens even till today. I wrote to Apple multiple times and keep getting the same replies, saying that the app is still in review and my app has not been forgotten, please be patience, etc. etc. etc...

It's almost been a month and we can't release any new updates and features... Anyone knows what I can do at this point beside waiting??

Sure, the drop and rise again of price may cause concern for reviewer.

You may well fall under section 3 of guidelines and raise eyebrows with such a high price (monthly fee of $99)

3. Business

There are many ways to monetize your app on the App Store. If your business model isn’t obvious, make sure to explain in its metadata and App Review notes. If we can’t understand how your app works or your in-app purchases aren’t immediately obvious, it will delay your review and may trigger a rejection. And while pricing is up to you, we won’t distribute apps and in-app purchase items that are clear rip-offs. We’ll reject expensive apps that try to cheat users with irrationally high prices.

Thanks Claude31! Yes, the reason for the initial rejection was exactly based on your quote (3.Business). Since then I replied with an explanation and asked them to contact me directly if they have any concern. But have not receieved feedback ever since, and it's been three weeks already.

I'm worried that Apple is just going to keep my app as "in review" forever and hoping it will dry and die by itself... Is there any suggestion of what I can do now beside patiently waiting?


My app has been in review for more than three weeks, and Apple is not giving any feedback.