Button/TextField inside UITableViewCell don't respond on iOS9.0


We have a custom UITableViewCell which has a UIButton, and has an IBAction method on the custom cell class.

The cell is defined on an .xib file.

The app is compiled with XCode 6.0. It seems that when we run it on iOS 9.0 neither the UIButton or the UITextField respond to the user taps.

The IBAction is not called, and the keyboard doesn't show up when the text field is tapped.

Any idea on how to solve this?


I have the same problem with a button in a UITableViewCell. Can be clicked with no problems on iOS 8, but it is not responding on iOS 9.

The TableView's didSelectRowAtIndex method is called instead of the buttons target.

Did you ever find a solution for this? I'm having the same problem. None of the UITextFieldDelegate callbacks are working for me.

I'm having the same issue. I've asked the question on Stack Overflow here:


Still got the issue.

Nice with the Stackoverflow, just upvoted it!

Possibly the same issue as this thread?


Yes! The content view was on top of my other subviews containing the buttons.

I was unable to reposition the content view, but I just disabled the "userInteractionEnabled" property on the content view

Thanks, you just saved my day!!

I see that guywithmazda has already seen my thread but yes it can be the same problem so I would suggest that you check if your custom cell is actually a UITableViewCell. The xib was created as a UIView and not as a cell and did not have any content view, which created a problem no iOS 9.

Ok I see that my reply was a bit late but just for reminder, disabling "userInteractionEnabled" will also make the cell unresponsive to tap, in case you would have a segue coupled to it, as I hade. I think the solution is still the check that you have right view for right place.

Hey, I was able to resolve my issue. I've updated the SO post w/ the solution that helped me.

this was my issue too. Unfortunately for me I just read your reply.

Hi donuts,

This worked for me,

Inside the custom uitableviewcell .m file:

self.contentView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;

It seems in iOS9 there are some issues with contentView when the custom cell comes from Nib.

Hope that helps!

Button/TextField inside UITableViewCell don't respond on iOS9.0