How do I resubmit an app after rejection?


How can I resubmit an app for review once it has been fixed after it has been rejected?

When I have done it before, the app goes back into the regular review queue rather than just back to the reviewer to see the fix.



Depends on the rejection, but it's the same as before, basically (you go back to the end of your reviewer's queue)- just add another build.

If the fix requires a new binary, then yes you will go back to the end of the line. That's the way it works. From their point of view, who knows what else may have changed in the new binary. You could have completely changed the UI, introduced sketchy third party frameworks, etc. So they have to do a full review, not just check one specific issue from a previous review.

If it's just metadata rejected, however, then you can usually just respond in the resolution center without submitting a new binary.

None of the above comments helped me so I wanted to share the solution for anyone dealing with this:

  1. In iTunes Connect click on My Apps and click on your app.
  2. In the left sidebar under "iOS APP" click on the link that shows the current status.
  3. On that screen, scroll down to the Build section and hover over the rejected build. ONLY when you hover over it will you see a '–' in a red circle which lets you remove the rejected binary.
  4. Only then can you add the new build that you've uploaded.

Now in 2017, this is still working but I want to clarify where to hover. On the left, under "iOS APP", don't hover! Scroll the right side down to where it says "Build", and hover over your build and the red "-" button will appear. Delete, select your new build, and hit save. Then you Submit for Review.

Wow, thanks a million, I am glad I found your post!!!


Some interfaces are hardly intuitive, but I'm sure it's in one of those zillion UI Guideline Pages (which might have have been completely rewritten before the sun rises again :-)

I'm hovering but it still does not show any "-" button.

I have no clue on how to select my new build that I have uploaded successfully.

It has a new version number, does it have to be the exact same version number? Anyway, the fact that I cannot delete my rejected build is just bad. Not a big fan of the UI here. Apple usually design the best and intuitive UI's. This however I find quite the opposite.

EDIT: I got it working now. I had to switch account in iTunesconnect. Apparently developers can upload builds, but are not authorized to delete any failed builds. Not a hint about this in the UI. Just pure luck I had access to an account with higher clearance and decided to try it.

If anyone from Apple is reading this, please consider at least making the delete button visible but disabled for the developer role, and add a tooltip in the style of "You are not authorized to delete builds, contact the team manager" or similar, so that it is easier to know what action to take.

This allow me to submit the new version of build.

Thanks a lot joelnewcomer

@joelnewcomer thanks for correct answer
I build an app and submitted for review. But the app got reject by apple reviewer and we addressed all the feedback and trying to rebuild the app with different version, Build number also changed, when we are trying to upload again it showing successfully uploaded and showing in testFlight. After sometime the app is disappear from testFlight.
  1. I am able to delete the rejected app

  2. Able to upload the a app in TestFlight (Build version change, Build no change)

  3. After successfully uploaded, after sometime its disappear from TestFlight

Is there any other step I am missing here to re-submit the build for review
How do I resubmit an app after rejection?