error ITMS-90535 How do I fix CFBundleExecutable key?

When I submit my code to TestFlight, I am getting an error as ERROR ITMS-90535: "Unexpected CFBundleExecutable Key. The bundle at..... does not contain a bundle executable. If this is intentional, please consider removing the CFBundleExecutable Key from its info.plist and using a CFBundlePackageType of BNDL. If this is a third party....

I have tried locating the info.plist file using xcode, but I do not see what field I need to change in order to fix this problem. I see that this is a common error code in all forums, but none of the sites I have seen, have a clear procedure. Please help!

HI I am experiencing the same issue, did you eventually figure it out?

I'm having the same issue. The ID for this field is "Executable file". I've tried deleting it and re-inputing it but it just won't work. Plus, I need to roll out an update in 5 days so....

I'll post what I find.

Any solution guys?

error ITMS-90535 How do I fix CFBundleExecutable key?