Unable to renew account

My iOS developer account expired overnight and when I went to renew it early this morning the developer portal was already down. Now it's back up but iTunes Connect says iOS developer program expired and all my apps are pending contract. However, all the renew pages are no longer working. How can I renew my account?

Answered by dasdom in 5425022

This is something for the support. Mail or phone developer support. They can help you.

Accepted Answer

This is something for the support. Mail or phone developer support. They can help you.

Same issue

I contacted support and they were able to give my account a "push" so that it recognized the new unified account and all my apps reactivated. Seems fine now.

What's the number for support so I can get my account a "push". I'm trying to renew at https://developer.apple.com/program/renew/index.action

but am unable to click the checkbox next to "Apple Developer Program". The "Continue" button is greyed-out until I can click that checkbox.

Support does not work if your membership is expired. Anybody has a way of contacting them? Help!! I am redirected away from the renew page every single time!!

Same problem here. It is redirecting me the same developer account page... It must take me to purchase page rather than looping me to same page.. really upset;..

same problem

Unable to renew account