iOS 9 Beta 1 - App Store Missing after install

After installing the iOS 9 Beta on my iPhone 6 after the conference today, I noticed that my App Store is missing! Anyone else?

Edit: After installing on my iPad, it looks like the App Store is on it.

Have you tried doing a clean restart? This often solves many installation problems, such as the one you have.

iPhone 5s- my App Store is there and works just fine.

mine seems to be ok, too.

I have a iPhone 5s and mine seems to be missing too. I have restarted mine a few times, but it hasn't re appeared. I can still install apps from spotlight, I just can't find or access the App Store.

I'm having the exact same problem. Installed correctly on iPad, however on my iPhone there's not App Store. Even in spotlight the 'Search App Store' function doesn't work and in settings under iTunes and App Store there is no icon for the App Store.

Just installed the beta. Same issue. It deleted my app store app. And the icons in the settings user iTunes and app store. When you tell Siri to search the app store. Nothing happens.

The same crap is happening to me too! Everything else was there, except for the App Store. The icons for it in the settings are gone too. Trying to click on a link that goes to the App Store gives me an error saying "Invalid URL".

Two days ago I installed ios 9 beta 1. The App Store application in not installed on my iphone 5s. It's totally missing !

The same issue happened to me on my iphone 5s and ipad 2.

After installing ios 9 beta 1, first on ipad 2, App Store was there, but after installing on iphone 5s is missing totally. Home screen reset, restrictions checked, siri can't find it. It is missing !

Same problem here too. Iphone 6, in Romania

I am having the same problem. After installing ios9 beta 1 app store is missing on my ihpone 6.

I had the exact same problem, I went into settings -general -restrictions and allowed all the App Store settings and the icon reappeared on the last page of my apps. I hope it will work for you too!!

I'm having the same issue - just on my iPhone 6 after the update. My podcast icon has also disappeared. Neither are searchable on the device. Help!

✅Thanks littlejenn! Its help me🙂🙂🙂

iOS 9 Beta 1 - App Store Missing after install