Still says Yosemite?

Any idea why El Capitan shows Yosemite in About This Mac?

Its a bug

Yeah...after closing and reopening the About This Mac screen mine shows El Capitan now.

Maybe some cleanup after the upgrade wasn't done...

Same here... First time shows Yosemite and then when you reload show El Capitan.

Same here...

Just re-open this window a couple times. It helped here.

Seemed to work for me but had the issue even on a totally fresh install. Odd!

Yeah, same with me. I clean-installed the beta on an external hard disk. Absolutely no record of Yosemite on the disk. Wierd sort of bug.

Ditto. My install was on top of 10.10.4 on a TB External. Yos first time then ElCap.

Still says Yosemite?