iOS 9 Beta battery life

It might be me, but iOS 9 Battery life so far has been painfully bad, down from 100% to 85% without using it much in 2 hours... has anyone experienced anything similar?'

I might try a complete restore since i only updated from iOS 8 to iOS 9 Beta, just curious to see if anyone else is in the same boat.....after all ...battery life is one of the focus for iOS9.


I put it in low battery mode after it shot down to 23% and I swear my battery dropped to 6% within 25 minutes in standby. Im convinced low battery mode made it drain faster!

Notes background refresh was using 46% of my battery. 64gig 6+ It's gone down 5% getting to this point in this thread too. Will be submitting a usage report from an earlier link a few pages back.

Interestingly here, I'm finding random battery drains on my devices running iOS8.3 (as well as the pitiful drains on the beta), but linked to the same AppleID that is being used on my dev devices.

yeah, the battery life is certainly out of control... 48% on standby alone before lunch time is like returning to my damaged iPhone 5s! Beta... Come on guys this should have been picked up in alpha version testing, it's not like it hasn't happened before.

And, to add to that, we have around 3 months of betas to go before we get to a release. While there might be some improvements to battery life as the betas roll out, don't bet on it

Same here. Horrible battery life since day 1 of install, but that's life in beta, lol

Battery is always bad in early betas, but I've never experienced it this bad.

I'm leaving my phone plugged in and the battery is draining rather than recharging.

It's plugged into a USB port of my Macbook Pro so quite possible not getting the same charge it would plugged into a wall wart -- but I think it's pretty incredible that it's draining battery faster than the MBP can recharge it.

I don't feel that's normal for a beta at all.

And it's really just an observation -- I'm completely willing to put up with it in order to test my own software and play with the new iOS 9 / Watch 2.0 features. Just a bit more pain that I was expecting. (Watch power drain is up, too -- no longer good for a full day).

Following procedure has helped my battery life:

Swipe down to open Notification Center

Today view


Remove "Traffic Conditions"


Swipe up to close NC


Battery life on iOS 9 is abysmal.

On the iPad 4, iPad mini 3, and iPhone 5s, I'm lucky if a full charge lasts a few hours. Every time I go to use my phone, it's dead.

I've participated in a number of beta programs, and iOS 9 and El Capitan are the most bug-ridden, half-assed betas I've ever seen from Apple in 10+ years. Even early betas ought to have some quality standards.

BTW, Apple Developer's security question is, "What's your favorite number?" And then refuses to accept any number that isn't at least 3 digits in length. Way to use your brain, guys, causing people to make up a number to fudge a security question in order to reset a password is self-defeating.

Here to same probleme on my 6+

I'm seeing the same thing, and it looks like Safari is actually eating most of my battery life.

You state that you know it's normal but then go one to complain that you didn't expect it. I'ts contradictory so I can see why the person replying to you commented.

It's a travesty on the whole. Some sort of background operation is chewing through CPU cycles, causing everything from an iPad to an iphone 6 (and Plus) to burn through battery in less than half a day. Sometimes it's drained an iPad Air 2 we have for testing within 3 hours from a full charge with zero on-time. Meaning, the device was in standby for 3 hours from a full charge then basically dead.

Beyond this obvious battery problem is another of great concern regarding iCloud backups. MASSIVE storage loss on our iCloud accounts for test devices. One account has over 500 GB of the entire 1 TB available allocated to "Backups" and yet when you actually look at the list of backups there are only two devices with less than 20 GB in size each. Where is the rest of the storage going? More transparency for iCloud relative to backups should be made available especially when this is crippling development. We can't do anything to delete the data and have no eta on when this will be resolved, or if it will impact any pre-existing data in test.

And please no speeches about this should be expected. We are doing Apple a FAVOR by testing bugs this bad. We should be discovering bugs related to new APIs not doing the experimental evaluation of their completely redesigned code base. This is excessive, especially considering we pay money for our development accounts and now we are being put in a position of having to scrap entire iCloud accounts and generate new ones just to keep doing what little testing we can.

They should also include a rollback feature when ever things are this "fresh". We have 8 test devices here. 4 of which are crippled with this new beta, and not to mention the nearly 2 thousand in recent Apple watches we acquired to test native APIs only to find that Beta 1 of watch OS 2 can barely maintain a consistent connection to some iOS 9 Beta 1 devices for more than a few stand-by cycles.

Bug reports have been filed as I am sure many other developers have done.

To be fair, the beta is rather resilient in many other ways. I've definitely seen worse as far as completely breaking existing code, but that still doesn't excuse breaking core functions like power management and entirely out of control data usage (for who knows what).

Also, wasn't improved performance and battery life an advertised feature of iOS 9? 😉

Anyway, thanks for letting me rant this one out. Pretty confident Apple will release something on Tuesday to address this. (At least I'm keeping my hopes up they will!)

I have been running iOS 9 beta 1 on an iPhone 5, iPad 4, and an iPad Air for about a week. Now as far as the iPad's go battery life has been pretty stable, however the iPhone 5 has been showing a lot of the issues reported here, but this morning was the kicker.

I woke up the morning to find the screen was starting to warp on the left side because the battery (probably) had become bloated. Now it is most likely a coincidence that my 27 month old iPhone 5 battery decides to do this a week after installing iOS 9, but it has happened and I do look after the phone.

That said I am left wondering if I should/shouldn't install iOS 9 beta 1 onto the iPhone 6 I bought this morning. Either way the one thing I have always noted with any iOS update, is that often when the battery behaviour become erratic, Apple has changed something and the best way to get it to behave again has usually been to flatten the battery all the way, followed by a full (overnight) charge. With iOS 9 beta 1's erratic behaviour, and the fact I had not followed my own advice regarding flatten and full charge, I am certainly leaning towards the idea that the erratic charging by iOS 9 beta 1 has lead to the overcharging of my iPhone 5's battery and therefore the resulting bloated battery.

PS. Please do not attempt to give me advice on putting iOS 9 on my new iPhone 6. I am a technician, I was fully aware of the consequences when I installed iOS 9 on the iPhone 5, I only have myself to blame for not taking better care with charging the iPhone 5.

I too have noticed much higher battery usage and that my phone is getting warm.

On settings Battery Usage indicates Mail "Background Activity" and and Home & Lock screen are the two main culprits at 20% & 15% respectively over the last 24 hours.

I removed all items from my lock screen in hopes of slowing the battery drain but don't plan on tweaking any of my mail settings as I'm pretty dependent on instantaneous email alerts for my job.

I any case for the first release of a new beta this is nothing out of the ordinary for me and I'd expect for there to be initial problems that will be addressed as subsequent releases are provided.

iOS 9 Beta battery life