I am not able to look at posts older than what appears on initial page. Yosemite with Safari fully updated. No way to see earlier posts with a click to older posts or something like that. Are others seeing the issue? Turned off extensions and same behavior.
viewing older posts in forum, pagination?
Same here. I guess we're not just using and reporting bugs for beta OS X 10.11 and iOS 9 this cycle but also beta ADC website.
Appreciate the reply. I wanted to make certain I wasn't missing something. And was not sure where to report/post about the issue. If someone has a better place to post or who to ping/notify, please let me know.
I think that Apple completely redid the forums yesterday. All posts that existed prior to yesterday have been moved to the "archive" (top of main forum page, above the boxes).
I am not talking about the archived items, this is stuff from today in this forum. At the bottom of the page for this forum, it only has a feed link, not a link to look at previous posts in this forum just from today.
Oh, sorry, now I see what you mean. Yeah same issue here.
If you click on "Content" on the top right, it brings up a slightly more familiar interface with pagination. It doesn't appear to be working properly yet ("following" seems to display the same as "participated") but once they get that working, it might be the best bet.
Well, it shows everything and I would prefer just a specific forum but at least you can see and get to older items. Thanks!