Invitation Errors in Testflight -- Need Help

Hi all,

We're running an external beta on testflight. We're having a lot of issues with users not being able to accept the invite. I've included screenshots that show what our users are experiencing. Any advice on how we can help them with this? We've already tried:

  1. Asking them to change clock on their phone from 12hr to 24hr (some threads said that helped)
  2. Removing them from testflight and re-adding their email address


I'm at my wits end 😢

Hi mata

I'm Yuri from Japan

I'm trying to run an internal test, and the same problem has occured.

I've deleted and created a new account for internal testers, and sent invitation codes,

but apparentlyher redeem code couldn't be accepted by the same error message as you;

"Couldn't accept the invite - invite code has expired".

Have you sovled this problem?

If you have, could you please let me know?

Best regards,

Welcome to the party Pal!

I'm in the same boat as you. It's so frustrating. Some of my users have been able to accept the invite but the majority have the same issues. Most never receive an invitation so I have to re-add them and that sometimes works. But usually they say the invite has already been redeemed. I've pretty much given up.

Unfortunately I have the same issue for internal testers including myself.

I tried removing the build and all testers and readding them all, but no avail. Any Apple Personal looking in to this?

Hi Yuri

I had a similar problem yesterday. For internal testing I generated two Redeem codes, and when my client tried to use it (in 7 hours after the redeem codes were generated), he received the message that the codes expired. Which makes me think these codes might really have a short expiration notice? I couldn't find any info online about the time for the redeem code that it takes to expire. Nothing at all.

Removing this user, re-adding and getting new codes in this way helped as a workaround.

Nevertheless, the process is so extremely miserable that I can't stand it anymore.

I'm experienceing this same problem.

A potential tester got the "Code has expired" error message.

I tried removing and re-adding him, but still no success.

Hi all!

Same problem here. When I change the clock from 24h to 12h I get "Invalid code" instead of "expired". Changing back to 24hr doesn't change the error message back to "code has expired".


Kind regards.

Hi all

I were able to solve my problem: My account was registered as internal AND external testflight tester. I removed myself from the list of internal AND external testers, added me again only as internal tester, got a new tesflight redeem code ... and it works!

Maybe this helps you as well..

Does TestFlight external only allow one device per external tester? Our testers are getting "The invitation has already been redeemed. Please request a new invite from the developer." even though they are signing in with the same itunes id.

Hi All,

from what I understand, if there is a build all ready previously installed they should only open theTestflight app and see the latest build there and install,

rather than get a new invite and install from that end, if this makes sense..?

I tried it this was myself and it worked.

Hope this is of help to anyone.

I've also problems where users not recieving any invitations. Have had this kind of problem since before Apple added support for teams and testing of multiple versions. Like a year or so...

For at least some of my users it has worked if they used a link in a previous invitationm to be able to download the latest version.

You have to remove the user from itunes connect -> users and roles -> testflight beta testers -> External. by clicking Edit and then delete
then add them again by going to MyApps-> Your App Name-> TestFlight -> iTunes Connect Users -> and add users by clicking on the + sign

Now the User will receive an invitation email and will be able to use it on his apple device

I can't believe this is still an issue in 2021, Apple should just create a button that allows you to resend an invite!!!

Right now in 2022, there is a button to resend the invite. And for me and my tester, the invite is still not getting sent.

Something is just messed up. I previously accepted an invite sent to my work email on a device that was logged in to a shared develper account. After logging in to the device with my own work email, I could no longer use Testflight. I seems somehow my work email is linked to the shared work email, and It's just not possible to fix. Then I sent an invite to my private email, and accepted it in Testflight with my work email. Now it actually works, but I really wish they could improve this.

"Invite code has expired" was experienced by one of my testers when I invited using an email address other than the one being used as the Apple ID on their device. When I invited the tester using their Apple ID email address instead, the app could be installed.

Took me over two months to solve the issue.

If you have ever logged in with a different account in testFlight, there is a big chance that testFlight is still trying to use that account to redeem the code. This happens despite testFlight showing the right user logged in.

Try to invite that user from the app store connect console instead, and redeem the code in testFlight.

Two months talking to customer service and I had to find out myself ...

@Sinapse what do you mean try and invite that user from app store connect? Is there another way than doing inviting them from the console?

currently can send an invite from appstore connect, open it on a different device for test flight, and still getting the error.

I had this problem because I had previously accepted an internal test-flight code from my work email on me personal Apple ID. This seems to bind your personal account to the internal testing for that app and you can't accept the internal testing from your work account.

Unfortunately it can take up to 90 days to undo this:

  1. In AppStore Connect go to Apps > Your App > TestFlight > Testers, All.
  2. Find your account in this list, select it, then press Delete
  3. Your status will change to "Deleted: Build expires in X days".
  4. You now have to wait X days (yup) for all builds you had access to to expire.
  5. Check that your name no longer appears in the list of testers, once this has happened the binding has been undone and you can re-add yourself to internal testing and get a new redeem code.
Invitation Errors in Testflight -- Need Help