PPTP VPN option missing.

It appears that PPTP is missing from the VPN options in Sierra. Do others find this? Any other options available if this is the case?

In the release notes it says they have removed it because it's insecure.

From the release notes:


VPN connections using PPTP are insecure and no longer supported in macOS 10.12. A list of secure VPN protocols and authentication methods are available at: HT206152.

This is unfortunate. Their are thousands of people who still rely on PPTP and although not as secure as IPSEC etc... that should still be the decision of the people making the connection, not Apple. I would vote to keep it included personally.

I totally wish I could use something other than PPTP to connect to my home network, but Comcast seems to block IPSec/L2TP from working inbound. Too bad.

I luckily did have the option to switch to L2TP after all my PPTP connections got erased after installing 10.12. I should have read the release notes, first. It's no major issue for me - but I believe for some of you it might be.

Late to the table I know - just catching up with the forums!

There is a free firewall on the market, one that is EAL 4+ and enterprise grade, supporting WebCaching Firewall and L2TP - have a search for Sophos UTM Home Edition.

Or the Sophos XG Home Edition.

Right, but if you need PPTP connectivity there are several alternatives in the market.

I am using this one:


Low cost and works smooth for me.

PPTP VPN option missing.