How do I renew the certificates on the iOS 9.3.3 public beta profile?

One of the certificates inside the public beta profile expires on july 1st 2016. How do I renew it?

You don't. Betas have short life spans and expire by design, and when they do, the expectation is the dev moves to the next beta or if it's out, the public release, rather than renewing/extending. Make sure you are able to update before it expires.

I have the same exact thing. Expires today July 1st. And I also updated to the beta 4 the other day when it came out. I was at apple today and brought this up. The guy (also a tech) didn't say anything really and shrugged it off like its nothing serious. My hope is that this means iOS 10 Beta is released today haha. I really hope so but probably not. Anyways, today is the 1st and so far no problems. I have an archived backup of the non-beta iOS from just a few days ago. So I'm going to keep things as is and I'll let you know what, or if, anything happens.

I'm in the same boat, will I need to delete the profile before iOS 10 public beta profile is released? or will it just overwrite the expired beta profile? I'd rather not revert back to the released version of iOS9 and just wait to continue the beta program with iOS 10 just wondering if it's ok to leave everything as is now and wait.

How do I renew the certificates on the iOS 9.3.3 public beta profile?