Baffled by iOS 9 Podcasts App

As a regular user of Podcasts I'm completely baffled by the changes to the App in iOS 9. No idea what I'm supposed to be doing.

My old iOS 8 workflow would be to scan through the list of recently added Podcasts, click on Download and click on Add To On The Go. Then once I'm out and about go to my On The Go list and pick the Podcasts to listen to.

I've no idea how to achieve the same outcomes on the iOS 9 Podcasts App ... anyone got any ideas?

The "Up Next" function seems to put them into an invisible pre-ordered list ... how can I jump around and pick what I want to listen to? How I can I instantly see all the Podcasts that I have downloaded on my phone?

Aaaagh! 😠


You guys realize this is the developer forum, right? How does this topic relate to app development?