10.12 Beta 3 Login Loop

Installed Beta 3 from beta 2 on 2012 MBA, unable to login/unlock. During setup, was required to change my passwords from my iCloud password.

Login window clears to lock window, which accepts the password. Screen goes black, and the login window is presented again. Hard reboot, soft reboot, and permissions fix do nothing.

Any ideas?

Accepted Reply

It appears as though there may be a bug in the progress bar of the installation application. By monitoring the log during a new installation from the recovery partition, I saw that the image was being downloaded.

SOLUTION - Recovery partition & reinstall. Wait wait wait wait wait for Sierra to download and reinstall.


Safe boot does the same thing - no ability to log in at all.

I'm working on the same problem right now. Nothing yet, I've tried using the terminal in recovery mode to reset the password, same issue. There has to be a way to solve this.

Same issue hear on 2013 MBP. So far havent found a way to get back in.

It appears as though there may be a bug in the progress bar of the installation application. By monitoring the log during a new installation from the recovery partition, I saw that the image was being downloaded.

SOLUTION - Recovery partition & reinstall. Wait wait wait wait wait for Sierra to download and reinstall.

Same problem here

Cant log on to my MBP - But I also installed Beta 3 on 5k machine BUT it didnt say I needed to make icloud & account password different. So success on my 5k but fail on MBP

Can confirm, solution does indeed work.

Anyone successfully install and NOT seeing this problem?

[Update: Did the update on my 2015 MBP, was not prompted for any password changes, and it came up OK for me running 10.12 Beta (16A254g)]

this worked for me.

It's definitely worked on my iMacs and my Mac Mini. No issues at all, updated just as you'd expect. One possible key bit of information, I'd already changed my password away from having it match my iCloud password and thus received no prompt about it.

I'm holding my MBP until I don't need it for the rest of the day though just in case.

I tried the recovery partition & reinstall multiple times, but it's keeps saying "unavailable now, try again later". Any way around this or trouble shoot this issue?

let me rephrase that. the dialog box that pops up after I sign it to my Apple ID say "This item is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later". I've also tried doing an internet recovery which only led me to a dialogue box saying something about me already having a new version installed so cannot continue with the process. So it's sort of a catch 22 here and I don't know what to do.

Well, I updated my recovery partition through the app store after installing beta 3 and after that I tried to reinstall macOS Sierra from the recovery option after rebooting and it said that the item was not available at this time. So I just turned off my iMac until this morning.

This morning I booted into recovery mode again and I was presented with an option to reinstall El Capitan. Magical...

What a load of crap.


Being a simpleton could you explain the solution a little more?

"Recovery partition & reinstall. Wait wait wait wait wait for Sierra to download and reinstall."

Do you mean....

Start up from OS X Recovery

To start up from OS X Recovery, hold down Command (⌘)-R immediately after turning on or restarting your Mac. Release when you see the Apple logo. If you can't start up from OS X Recovery, try holding down Option-Command-R to start up from OS X Internet Recovery*.

I had and still have this issue with the second public beta, but even countless reinstallations of the first public beta were of no help. Although I am clearly running the first public beta, I still have the login issue of the second public beta.

Did you really only do a regular reinstallation? Might there be a tiny step which you might have done slightly differently? It is so weird that the issue persists in my case.

I figured out a way to resolve this without having to reinstall: https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/157841#157841