My simulator screen shot sizes don't match new submission sizes

So the new required screenshot sizes when submitting to iTunes (per their new Simplified Screenshot Submission Process) appear to be 1242x2208 (iphone) and 2048x2732 (ipad).

But I cannot find a simulator in my Xcode that creates these sizes. I have to use iPad Air and iPhone 6 Plus to take screenshots, then open them in photoshop and resize them, but the resized versions are 1 pixel off the required sizes so then I have to modify them slightly.

Thanks Apple, for adding another 3 steps to an already ridiculously long submission process (compared to Android, that is).

Am I just missing the correct simulators? What simulators will create these screen shots so that I dont have to go thru this lengthy process each time? I have over 100 apps on the app store so adding 3 more steps makes a HUGE difference when we release new code. 😟

Debug -> uncheck "optimize rendering for window scale"

Even this doesn't work for me. The screenshot is still small

Make sure the zoom level for the simulator window is set to 100%, even if part of it goes off the screen.

Between me and you I think this is a more straightforward process than a google play submission.

FYI this is still an issue - on 5.5" size I created an iPhone 8+ simulator to capture screen shots. However, the captured images are 1125 × 2436

My simulator screen shot sizes don't match new submission sizes