Unusually long "waiting for review" time?

Has anyone else been experiencing unusually long app submission review times?

We submitted our app for review almost a week ago (6 days) and the status is still "waiting for review". It's never taken this long before. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing unusally long wait times due to their review team being backed up, or if something unusual is up with our app...

seeing the same here. It seems that apps submitted last week had been waiting for review for at least 6 days

But the week before last week was just 1 day review .

Are you still waiting?

I also submitted my app before 6 days...and it's still waiting for review...

Yep, i'm waiting long as well.

Like the first response on this thread, iOS 11 is coming. Maybe the review is again in training for iOS 11 submissions?

This is happening to me either. My app is still Waiting for Review for 25 days now and I don't know what to do. Anyone from this thread still waiting?

7 days waiting now.

I know this isn't recent/new thread as of Aug 2017 ... BRUTALLY long wait time for me.

Currently at 21 days and counting here.

New (mini) game built with Unity (game lasts maybe 30-45 minutes max!?).



Feel your pain man - I'm at 21 and counting ... =/

20 days and still waiting since 16th Aug.

Same here...

I am getting really frustrated about this. My app has status IN-REVIEW for 4 weeks now and I send several emails over the last 3 weeks and all I got is the same following email:

"We are following up with you about your app, "xxxxxxx." In your email you report your concern for the length of the review and the responses you have been receiving regarding the status.

After checkin on your case, we can see your case has been escalated to the appropriate internal team for review. They will follow up with you directly, as soon as they can.

There is no further information to share at this time. If you have additional questions or concerns, however, please don’t hesitate to contact us."

I have the same reply from Apple. It has been 10 days from the last submit. Have you solved the problem.

We believe the long 'waiting for review' time is for the release of iOS 11 and the new App Store etc., so that all app names starting from today, must be 30 chars or shorter, do all of you have long app names?

19 days until now. Still be "Waiting for Review". And our app has only 10 chars named.

My app - 23 days and still "waiting for review" How can you run a business with this kind of service?

On the other hand, I submitted an app update (for iOS 11) on Sunday evening (9/17). It went to In Review in about hour and was approved for sale the next day (9/18), just in time for the iOS 11 release.

Unusually long "waiting for review" time?