Unusually long "waiting for review" time?

Has anyone else been experiencing unusually long app submission review times?

We submitted our app for review almost a week ago (6 days) and the status is still "waiting for review". It's never taken this long before. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing unusally long wait times due to their review team being backed up, or if something unusual is up with our app...

Mine is also waiting for review since Sept 13th.

I think all these apps that are taking a long time to get In Review must have been selected for a reason, don't think we have been just randomly selected.

Have all of your apps been Removed From Sale by Apple in the past?

My apps too in review for a week+ now. And funny thing is an update i uploaded just a day ago has been approved while others still in queue waiting for review. Apple though smh

Looks like this is happening again.

On appreviewtimes.com i see recent trend had been 1 day.

But for me , i have two new apps submitted and both had been "waiting for review" for 5 days already.

Usually I might have long "in review" times sometimes, but haven't had long "waiting for review" time for almost two years now.

My app is a totolly new app. It has been in "Waiting for Review" for 35 days, every since Sept. 27. I uploaded one week after iOS 11 released. Now iOS 11.1 released and it is still in "Waiting for Review".

Any suggestion?😟


Our App was stuck in waiting for review stage from Sept 13 - Nov -02.

On Nov -2 we removed that version of the app & uploaded a new one, hoping our luck will change.

Still,no change the app is still waiting for review.

In the same time we have published at least 5 updates on Google Play Store.

I am at loss of words to describe this behavior from apple.

And I am crying bout waiting a week now. Whats happening there? If only apple told us anything....

We have the same problem. It has been waiting for review since November 8th. There is a crash that is causing our users a LOT of issues and we are stuck.

I have one new app that had been in review for 21 days when I self-rejected and tried again. Still no luck. I have 14 (of about 85) apps that are likewise in limbo for about a week now even though all others were approved within 24 hours of the latest update. ITC support hasn't been any help, unfortunately. They said they "escalated" it, but nothing happened.

Hi Alifar,

What happened later? Was the update eventually approved?


Same situation here. It's so painful. Was your app approved later?

Hi Zhaoxin,

We had the same horrible thing. My app has been in "Waiting for Review" since Nov 28. Was your app eventually reviewed?


Did it go to "In View" in the end?

Well apparently the process goes like this
1. You submit an app
2. App reviewers rejects your app for whatever random reasons. But without explaining to you EXACTLY what they want to see.
3. You try to guess what they want to see and submit a new version to review.

4. App reivewers rejects again because you guessed it wrong in step 3.

5. Reviewer then subjectively decide you are some kind of a bad developer and flags your account.

6. Any subsequent apps submitted then gets ignored for an indefinite amount of time.

so now #5: you are flag as the bad developer and flag the account for long time reivew


Same thing here ,while people keep posting " Apple review times under 1 day ! " at iosreviewtimes website, this is what happened:

My app stuck at "In review for 6 days "

I have rejected the binary and sent again. In less than 24 hours they rejected my app and they also found a policy violation which they accepted months ago and removedit from sale.

I have fixed the problem and sent a new update in 6 hours on the midnight of 19th dec and guess what ? still watiing for review.

My app is removed from sale , I have lost a competetive situation with other apps after investing many dolllars with search ads , and my app is not reviewed until holiday to keep it offline. I don't want to believe in this but sometimes I start to think that this is a general attitude by Apple towards some developers.

Unusually long "waiting for review" time?