membership renewal problems anyone?

Logged in to developer website as team agent but could find nothing enabling me to update agreement. Any help would be appreciated.

Same here. logged in to itunes and got the following message saying but cannot find anything new under either agreement or developer account website.

Agreements, Tax, and Banking

Review the updated Paid Applications Schedule.
In order to update your existing apps, create new in-app purchases, and submit new apps to the App Store, the user with the Legal role (Team Agent) must review and accept the Paid Applications Schedule (Schedule 2 to the Apple Developer Program License Agreement) in the Agreements, Tax, and Bankingmodule.

To accept this agreement, they must have already accepted the Apple Developer Program License Agreement in their account on the developer website.

The updated Apple Developer Program License Agreement needs to be reviewed.
In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps to the App Store, the user with the Legal role (Team Agent) must review and accept the updated agreement in their account on the developer website.

Me too. Not sseing anything.

Will wait 1-2 days . Or check bsck after some hours.

Yeah, I'm not seeing the usual Request button either. Usual there's something to press to request a new contract. Usually takes two clicks.

Fortunately still able to update and submit new apps though. Maybe they jumped the gun on adding the prompt?

Hello All,

It's fixed. Orange easy to read box at top of developer web page appears. Check the box and select.

Next in iTunesConnect select Agreements, Tax and Banking and choose blue Request box.

All done.

I do not see it !!!

Where is it ? I can't see any such orange button or blue Request box 😟

Can I ask you to help me find it ? Thank you !!! Everything I can see looks correct, it just says download agreement, which lets me download a PDF, but no button to push to approve etc 😟


We have got the following info for renewing our account. The problem is that clicking on "FAQ", leaves us to a "cannot find page" from Apple. So the link does not work.

And clicking on "Member Center" does not give us a payment option. If the "Auto-renewal" option is checked, can we trust that the account will renew - even though we still get the below message despite having selecter "Auto renew"?

Renew Your Apple Developer Program Membership

If you do not renew your membership before Oct 9, 2016, your apps will no longer be available on the App Store. The user with the Team Agent role can renew the membership in the Programs & Add-ons section of Member Center. For more information, see the FAQ.

I was getting the same message even with Auto Renewal on. I ended up disabling the Auto Renewal, then clicking the link that appears at the top of the page and renewing manually.

That's happening to me too. It makes me nervous that the auto-renewal process may be screwed up so I'm also going to switch to manual renewal. It would be nice if Apple added a statement that said ("If you use automatic renewal, please disregard this message...").

The same to me. I make the manual renewed my subscription 5 days before expire, filling the form with correct information.

I got received Order Acknowledgement but from this step i'm stuck and no debit was made in my credit card. It's about 15 days ago.

I'm seeing every day my contracts and nothing new on this.

Somebody can help me?

Apple seems to be doing everything possible to drive devs away.

Call 'em up and don't let them shove you back to the forums - numbers here.

This solved my problem


Nope nothing there. Action in that area is empty.

Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired. Renew your membership to continue accessing program benefits and services. Open the Apple Developer app on your iPhone or iPad, tap the Account tab, and sign in. Then tap Renew and follow the prompts. If you agreed to the Paid Applications Agreement, you'll need to agree to it again after renewal. You can view this agreement in the Agreements, Tax and Banking section of App Store Connect.

But I had renew the subscription and in developer account its showing already subscribed...

Anyone Please Help.


I am trying to renew my account but the button in the top open a blank page. What can I do?

Our organization membership is due for renewal this week but when I login to our developer account, I don't see any button or link to click to renew the membership. I am using web to login with apple developer id. what to do ?

Same here. No way to renew membership

The problem is with 3d bank secure protection... The iOS Developer app does not support it and transaction is rejected by bank / the same problem on OS Chrome explorer… BUT I have successfully renew via iOS Safari! Try it ;)

membership renewal problems anyone?