Uncaught Exception Crash?

I have updated my Mac Book Pro to Sierra 10.12 lately and running a Java app through my browser. First minute is fine but then it keeps displaying an internal error message.

"An uncaught exception was raised. Choose "Continue" to continue running in an inconsistent state. Choose "Crash" to halt the application and file a bug with crash reporter. Choosing "Crash" will result in the loss of all unsaved data."

Is there a way to get rid of this? Is this problem coming from Java (I doubt that because all other Java apps runs smoothly) or from Java apps that run within Safari?

I appreciate a feedback or a solution from a genious.


Same exact problem with me. Also, using Sierra on a MacBook Pro.

It always pops up when clicking on particular emails. For right now you can experiment to see which emails are creating the problem, log into your mail through webmail and apply a spam rule to that sender. Probably won't help much as the spam sending email changes constantly.

Uncaught Exception Crash?