AX88179 Drivers for Big Sur 11.0

Well it seems that the drivers for the ethernet adapters are probably going to need updating. Does anyone know where I can find the updated driver for Big Sur? I had this issue with the last beta and just remembered it now that I'm without an ethernet adapter to use. I use the 3 Gig adapter from Amazon Basics and it's worked excellent.
Thanks IbrahimMD1, it works on a clean Install and after re-enable csrutil. Also, thanks volodymyrk for the correction.
Thanks to IbrahimMD1 and volodymyrk :)

it works, what a relief !
@IbrahimMD1 putting on 12th point:

delete from kextloadhistoryv3 where teamid='5RHFAZ9D4P';
delete from kextpolicy where teamid='5RHFAZ9D4P';

it says: sh: delete: command not found

Revised instructions to install AX88179-179A USB-Ethernet driver on Mac OS 11 (Big Sur)
Thanks for all who confirmed these instructions actually works even with scenarios that one find himself stuck like after re-enabling SIP using csrutil enable in recovery mode. Point 12 solves this particular issue. However, everybody should follow all these instructions including point 12. Thanks volodymyrk for correction.

Follow these instructions carefully:
1- Unplug your USB-Ethernet device.
2- Get the latest version and discard all advices about using older versions. Get version 2.19 (beta2) which is currently available. Do NOT install driver now !
3- Uninstall old driver first using the uninstaller that comes with the latest driver. You will have to restart.
4- Wait your screen to be off due to Restart, then directly... (next point)
5- Keep holding Command+R wile your PC is booting. Keep holding until the Apple logo appears. (If you fail to enter recovery mode, shut down and repeat this point).
6- Select your account and enter password.
7- Choose Utilities > Terminal.
8- csrutil disable
9- /usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent list
10- If 5RHFAZ9D4P is not in the list, enter: /usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add 5RHFAZ9D4P . Otherwise, skip this point.
11- Restart you mac.
12- This is the critical point which you might miss from all other instructions available: Remove Allow permission you provided earlier to asix team (5RHFAZ9D4P). This is important to let your OS accept the device again. Follow these steps carefully:
sudo su
(enter your password if prompted), then enter these four lines by sequence:
Code Block
sqlite3 /var/db/SystemPolicyConfiguration/KextPolicy
delete from kext_load_history_v3 where team_id='5RHFAZ9D4P';
delete from kext_policy where team_id='5RHFAZ9D4P';

13- Install driver.
14- Now you will be prompt to Allow this driver in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy.
15- Connect your USB-Ethernet device.
16- Your USB-Ethernet device should work by now. Ensure you have ethernet connected to router/Switch to verify.
17- If it does not yet work, try running this in terminal: sudo kextload -b com.asix.driver.ax88179-178a
Hi IbrahimMD1,

Do we have to keep the SIP disabled? Or we can enable it after successful installation?

Thanks IbrahimMD1!
all is working perfectly.
thanks so much
Everybody, welcome :) Glad to know that instructions actually worked for you.
emaxim, the current driver requires you to leave SIP disabled.
I do not need to mention, because it is clear, that anybody follows these instruction is doing so by their own risk. I do not give any kind of guarantee. This is just sharing of experience to help people get to solution in a shorter time.
When I try to execute the sql commands I get this error:
Error: attempt to write a readonly database

I tried to execute the commands in recovery mode but I am unable to locale the KextPolicy database.
I found the folder SystemPolicyConfiguration empty.

@IbrahimMD1 Do you have any idea how to disable the readonly mode?
Thank you
Wait does this driver work at 1Gb on Big Sur? I have to drop it down to 100Mb to keep it from freezing up the connection after 2-3 mins on Catalina
After following the steps and the driver not loading as confirmed by:
Code Block
sh-3.2# kextstat|grep asix
Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded
No variant specified, falling back to release

the following happens when trying step 17:

Code Block
sh-3.2# kextload -b com.asix.driver.ax88179-178a
Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil load -b com.asix.driver.ax88179-178a
Error occurred while building a collection: in '/Library/Extensions/spl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/KernelExports.kext/KernelExports' missing __TEXT segment

running on
Code Block
sh-3.2# uname -a
Darwin MacBookPro2018.local 20.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.1.0: Sat Oct 31 00:07:11 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.50.7~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

Any ideas? Thanks!
Thx @IbrahimMD1 :-)

I had the same problem with another model, AX88772B, and your solution helped perfectly. Just a note to your step 9:
When /usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent list executed, no lists were returned since no lists existed. Hence I just added 5RHFAZ9D4P by running the /usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add 5RHFAZ9D4P and then followed the rest of the guide.

And between step 13 and 14 a restart was needed as well.

Yet again, many thanks for this help.

Is there an update to be expected or should we take this beta approach? I don’t feel comfortable with the tampering in the recovery mode
Work like a charm. Thanks, IbrahimMD1 !
Merci beaucoup à vous, cela a fonctionné du premier coup après avoir suivi vos instructions.

Many thanks to you, it worked on the first try after following your instructions.

MACBOOK PRO (end 2013)
Hi, installation worked like a charm.
But since the reboot, my mouse freezer/stutters constantly.

Any idea?
Has anyone managed drivers to work with System Integrity Protection switched back on?
I can't make it work on MacBook Pro with M1 chip. Is there a workaround? Thanks!
You saved my life! Thank you! IbrahimMD1
@IbrahimMD1 This process has sent my MacBookPro (2017) into boot loop mode. :-/ I can only boot into Panic Medic Boot now. With all 3rd Party Extensions disabled.
Well it turns out to be pretty simple to have it running, and don't have to risk having SIP disabled.
You have to turn off SIP to successfully install the extension, but when it's installed, it's enough to add an exception for kernel extensions from the ASIX manufacturer, so that you can turn SIP on again without breaking it.
  • reboot to recovery mode (CMD+R at boot) and open up the terminal

  • csrutil disable

  • reboot

  • install the latest version of the driver from asix:

  • allow it in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy

  • reboot to recovery mode again and open up the terminal

  • csrutil enable

  • spctl kext-consent add 5RHFAZ9D4P

  • reboot

@TheExplorographer I got the same.

But if I run
Code Block
csrutil enable

again in recovery mode, then everything is back to normal. But without the working driver :D

Hope this helps!
Hi! I'm not a developer not an expert but I found an easy working solution with updated drivers for MacOS 11, posted it there:
Thanks to gdfgsdgrrnm2, It's work for me with full speed of Internet and enable SIP.

For downing: Go to download tab, and check Software & Tools below, and get "Apple macOS 10.9 to 11 Drivers Installer(Beta)" version 2.19.0
@gdfgsdgrrnm2's solution worked for me. Thank you so much gdfgsdgrrnm2.

Well it turns out to be pretty simple to have it running, and don't have to risk having SIP disabled.
You have to turn off SIP to successfully install the extension, but when it's installed, it's enough to add an exception for kernel extensions from the ASIX manufacturer, so that you can turn SIP on again without breaking it.
reboot to recovery mode (CMD+R at boot) and open up the terminal
csrutil disable
install the latest version of the driver from asix:
allow it in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy
reboot to recovery mode again and open up the terminal
csrutil enable
spctl kext-consent add 5RHFAZ9D4P

I was able to get IbrahimMD1's solution working using the v2.18 (8-04-2020) driver, NOT the new v1.0.0d3 beta driver (12-04-2020). The beta driver would work only when SIP is off as it states in the readme that comes with the download. The old driver however can be used with SIP re-enabled.

This was confusing to me because somewhere along the way I think the naming/versioning convention changed and ASIX released a separate beta driver.
AX88179 Drivers for Big Sur 11.0