Is there a scribble gesture for new line/return?

When writing in a text view, it would be useful to be able to enter new lines with scribble. Is there such a gesture? If not, I will submit a feedback request.

your solution is terrible. Sorry. A simplest one should be by crossing an empty space with a line and then you have a line break. So the first one, as it already is, make a space and the second (over the empty space) breaks the line. ;)

YES!, please add this feature. there are MANY situations where an app not expecting pen input can accept multiple lines. I would love to be able to use the apple pencil and scribble to enter text via scribble in these situations

for example - entering text in markdown (in obsidian) or replying to a slack message, [or even entering a post in a forum!]

Write far down below

Write at the bottom of the screen. Make sure active curser is at the top of the screen or text box.

note this only works in large areas work spaces small text boxS don't space to trigger the response

Please develop this feature

Idk who this can help, but I've noticed that I can write a few inches below the last line (even more so than where I normally do) and it registers as a new paragraph. I've been getting better at it. Now I'm practicing writing close to the actual line to the right of the last word to continue that paragraph, and moving my hand down much more and a little to the left for a paragraph break.

Please add this simple feature to Scribbe. I use the notes app via Scribble for hours everyday and I'm really frustrated having to add a new line. It's very disruptive to my flow when I'm required to add multiple lines of notes quickly. This is one of the most important actions, almost a deal breaker. I'm even amazed that his issue still exists after so much feedback. I'm a software engineer myself and I definitely know that a year is like a century in our field. All these people are giving you this feedback to make your product more successful and profitable, please take it with high priority.

Ok so I am a total nube. With regard to starting a new line in scribble it -seems if I go down and begin to write like 2 to 3 inches lower than where I want new line to start- it starts a new line. Seems if like I overcompensate or exaggerate the thought of writing a new line and I start it way lower than where the new line should start - it starts a new line. I know you guys are tech demigods but I just thought I would throw that in.

Feature request submitted!! I encourage everyone to continue to request this feature as well.

Please send in the gesture request, everyone... Apple is just not listening!

I put in a feature request: It is crazy, especially given all the complaints, that Scribble is still not usable. We need the following gestures (WE being very literal... I've seen thousands, yes 1,000s, of requests and complaints around this and that is just from those that are vocal.)

  • Line-break gesture
  • Space gesture
  • Undo/Redo gesture
  • Eraser for deleting (double tap)
  • Auto format for bullet list, headings, numbered list, bold, italics gestures

This technology is very old and is functioning perfectly all over the place. In fact, look no further than Nebo who has your technology beat!

I know the alternatives are to use the floating palette, but it is severely limited and, more importantly, the whole point of me using Scribble is to AVOID the virtual keyboard. Please Apple, this is a cheap fix!

I agree. The apple pencil is a waste of money without the feature to begin a new line. It is false advertisement to make it seem like the pencil will make note taking much easier because it does not and actually causes users to fall behind.

I agree that the benefit of the pencil is greatly reduced without drawn shortcuts. Having to stop writing to find the return button defeats the purpose.

Same here. The time loss is unacceptable.

Would really appreciate if Apple did a gesture for the return button. It feels like the row of options in the pencil menu are ordered for right handed people (and not us lefties!) so there should also be an option to reverse it - I.e. The undo/redo buttons for a left handed person should be on the right/at the bottom of the fully expanded menu depending on the selected orientation of the menu if that makes sense. These two things would be a great uplift to Apple's accessibility offering!

I had the ability to draw a backwards hyphen to delete and a backwards L to “enter” a new line on my PDA back in the mid 2000s . The utility of this new pencil is greatly reduced by the absence of those features.

I am also requesting a manual scribble new line request. It would be helpful to have a manual new line function to the apple pencil rather than some time automated feature. I would suggest scribble create a new line when the pencil is in eraser mode and the user makes a down and left arrow gesture (the symbol on a lot of keyboards for return) while not erasing anything.

Every time I try scribble I hit this problem and remember why I never use it. Adding a way to add a new line would be critical for me and seems for many others!

This is a very serious short fall with the scribble system. Earlier systems could do a new line, like Te Palm Pilot Having to look for and open the pallet every time your want a new live makes no sense _ l expect better of Apple

Found a semi work around: When starting a new note, tap the carriage return button multiple times to create many new (blank) lines. Then, using the Apple Pencil tap where you want to add a new text.

Thank you! That was very helpful! But still longing for the cr function for scribble.

cant agree more. how can we not use in 2023 ?

This feature is really wanted - even in 2024

Is there a scribble gesture for new line/return?