Is there a scribble gesture for new line/return?

When writing in a text view, it would be useful to be able to enter new lines with scribble. Is there such a gesture? If not, I will submit a feedback request.
  • Please do submit a gesture request/since this is so old I hope you did. I have submitted feedback about it. Return/new line is a mainstay of my note taking and writing

  • OMG, please add this feature - Pencil is practically useless for writing without the ability to do a new-line. #FAIL …because, as-is, it forces one to switch back and forth between writing and typing.

  • BTW, Even my 1998 Palm Pilot could do this basic scribble!


Please do submit feedback to request features or changes in behavior.

There is no explicit new line gesture, but new lines can be inserted with the Return button in the floating palette.

In multiline text editing environments, like Notes and Mail, text will be inserted on a new line if written below a significant distance after the last line of text.
  • Yes! Please submit a request!

    Thanks for the significant distance tip- I have tried going lower but only a couple lines.

  • You should be able to assign a newline command to Pencil2's tap gesture.

  • your solution is terrible. Sorry. A simplest one should be by crossing an empty space with a line and then you have a line break. So the first one, as it already is, make a space and the second (over the empty space) breaks the line. 

I hope to get this function too
I'd like to have this function too. Will be very useful while browsing or using another single text field environment.

And btw, I tried to space the line here, and it doesn't work. Line will start continuing from the last character.

I've used handwriting recognition software quite a bit in the past. There are several gestures that would be extremely helpful including line break, undo, redo, delete, and space. For a line break, I've seen a backwards capital L with a long bottom part like _|, started from the top. For undo, I've seen a large greater than sign drawn from the top, and drawn from the bottom as the redo gesture. A simple long line drawn from right to left was used for delete. A squared off U like | was used for a space. With these gestures, I found that I rarely had to move hand from the writing area and the handwriting recognition was much more useful.
Yes, please. Add these gestures.
need this feature
Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of JJ3 Down vote reply of JJ3
Yes pls develop shortcut for a new line.
Definitely need a new line gesture. Impossible to truly use scribble for writing anything more than a single paragraph without it.

Adding to the need to new line gesture
Yes yes yes!! Agree with all the above! Major kink I hope gets worked out soon! Scribble is awesome but I’ve found that these things are the main annoyance in using the feature. Also it gets really confused when you try to use it with bullets...sometimes adding text to the new line and sometimes adding new writing to one of the above bullets. When I try to use the sidebar to add a new line or adjust the bullet indentation levels it turns off Scribble and I have to re-select the Apple Pencil icon to keep writing. Even if I try to format within the special “Scribble” formatting pane. One part of the problem is that I think the software expects handwriting size to be close to text size...which on an iPad is pretty small. So the size difference I think makes it confusing for the software to figure out where the user is trying to write.
I agree
Palm pilot was even better…
I agree a new line gesture is needed. The floating palette is awkward but useable. It breaks the writing flow which is bad when taking notes in a meeting and need to keep up. Expanding the gesture system or simply allowing custom gestures to be used would make the scribble pencil system much more useable. To be clear I mean the scribble gestures not the finger swipe gestures.

That said, I do a lot of note taking and this has helped
  • Position the floating pallet to the left if you are right handed, and tap carriage return with your left hand when needed

  • Use your finger to position the cursor and edit your text.

Not quite as good as the old Palm os graffiti but a huge leap in the right direction.
  • I do the same thing with the floating palette. It’s the best option available but it does break the flow of writing, making the best not good enough.

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I love my iPad, but seriously how can there be no way to do a hard carriage return which I could do 10 years ago - actually make that 15 - with a palm pilot or windows phone and stylus? (I still remember all my pencil command shapes for these actions). I think Apple needs to seriously look at how to allow pencil-generated hard returns, spaces, as well as cursor control for backspacing / forward spacing. I may be wrong but I do not see these commands available using pencil. All these actions are very difficult at the moment and need to be improved to catch up to palm pilot 2005 functionality. Call me unimpressed with pencil because of this, but I do see the potential there.
Everyone in this thread please submit a feature request to apple feedback. It's crazy that in 2021 I still miss my PalmPilot.

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of mme Down vote reply of mme
  • Yes! Please, everyone submit feedback. The Apple Pencil is $100 and it doesn’t do things my $1 PalmPilot stylus did. Plus, I didn’t have to charge my stylus and constantly fret about losing little accessory pieces, or the stylus itself for that matter, because it 1) wasn’t $100 dollars and 2) slid into my PalmPilot.

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