Is MacOS Big Sur version 11 or 10.16?


This question is about what would be the OS version number for MacOS Big Sur, I see two different versions
1.It shows as version 11 via About This Mac
2. When queried through sw_vers -productVersion                               
it returns(SystemVersion.plist has it as 10.16)

Answered by swethach in 626039022
Starting beta3 of Mac OS Big Sur, the version is getting reported as 11
Big Sur is 11 for sure.

It's possible that 10.16 was left in the final code because someone decided late in the game to change the version. Or maybe 10.16 was left in until we can all get our version scrips changed over.
Hello! macOS Big Sur is currently in Beta, but it will all be 11.0.
See the release notes - "The system ProductVersion is reported as 11.0 only on the Developer Transition Kit at this time. Existing Mac systems will temporarily report the value as 10.16."
Accepted Answer
Starting beta3 of Mac OS Big Sur, the version is getting reported as 11
I was just checking in the big Sur Beta 4 release, sw_vers returns the version number as 11.0 but NSProcessInfo and Getstalt, still return 10.16. Is this because the test apps developed were using the 10.15 SDK? Do we have to upgrade the SDK so that these APIs return 11.0?
Is MacOS Big Sur version 11 or 10.16?