Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?

Running the sample "Juice" app, which demos the Sign In With Apple flow, doesn't seem to work with Xcode 12 beta and iOS 14 beta on the simulator (worked fine on the non-beta versions and on a real device with iOS 14 beta).

Once the password for the device's Apple ID is entered, the wheel in the password field just keeps spinning. No error messages and nothing handed back over to the app from the ASAuthorizationController.

Anyone else seeing this problem ? Are there any workarounds ?
xcode Version 12.5 (12E262) still not work.
It is staggering the lack of interest in fixing this issue for the Xcode simulators from Apple. Some users say it's working fine for real devices but not everyone that has a Mac has an iPhone (it'd be like buying another Mac ffs) and we rely on the simulator. I can't believe that something that should be so simple is not definitely within Apple's priorities to fix. Are they losing interest in supporting their Apple ID login then? Because if that's so, that'd be a better response for my clients to digest than having them annoy me everyday for something that's not even under my control. No wonder why Android is still leading the mobile market.
This is an annoying bug - but in Apple's defense - it's only been open for 10 months and only affects more than TWENTY THOUSAND developers that are watching this exact ticket. (rolling eyes)

Seriously though... I can't fathom the reason why Apple does not make this issue a priority to fix.

I think that somebody in support or development at a fairly low level is ignoring (or actively blocking) the escalation of this problem for some misguided reason and I can only hope that they get fired for their incompetence when this issue finally gets the attention of somebody competent in management.

Hi All,

No work around found for iOS 14 + yet.

However here is a workaround for implementing sign in with apple (for development in the simulator) that we've been using:
  • Download the 13.7 simulator - Xcode > Preferences > Components > iOS 13.7 Simulator

  • Change the build version in Targets > Deployment Info to iOS 13.6 or below.

  • Run the simulator by selecting the 13.7 Sim.

We have been doing this for any of the Sign in with apple implementation and it seems works fine. We are switching back to later versions for testing on normal devices where this issue doesnt seem to occur.

Why is it so hard to fix this issue? Why? Apple makes developers go through hell in the interview process. If this is the type of engineering that gets through that process... time for a new approach.

Same issue

Massively annoying. Extremely disappointing. Created a ticket on (FB9102671)

Doesn't do much but it's a way to vent your frustration.  ¯_(ツ)_/¯

same issue here.

Spending 4 hours digging in why our App is rejected by App Store because of Apple log in but resulting in discovering Juice, provided by Apple documentation having same issue.

Don't know what to do

Also still have the same problem! Really Apple?

Have same issue on emulator ios 14.5. Now trying to run on 13.7.

Is the 'Sign in with Apple' feature really going to be broken throughout ALL iOS 14 (Xcode 12) versions since Xcode 12 beta? If your iOS 14+ app only relies on Sign in with Apple as an authentication method, this is a hard roadblock.

I wonder how many countless hours are lost by both Developers & Apple's App Reviewers because of this issue.

Same here

  • xCodeVersion 12.5 (12E262)
  • SimulatorVersion 12.5 (961.1)
  • SimulatorKit 609
  • CoreSimulator 757.5

Same exact issue. xcode 12.4 simulator 12.4 ios 14 iphone 12

Dear Apple,

Can you please either fix the problem or tell your app review staff this issue exists. Each app I have launched in the last year or so has to go through a second review process because of this issue, it's very frustrating.

Kind regards, Tibout

Same issue here. Infinite loading wheel after entering the password, no error message.

This is still an issue in Xcode 13 w/ iOS 15.

How do they expect us to build Apple Sign In apps if we can't run them on the simulator at all?

Still an issue. Can NOT sign in with Apple on the simulator. Has Apple ever tried to do this themselves?

Same Issue.

Same issue on Xcode 13 beta 3

Did you fixed your problem?

Still relevant.

Not working

Same here, still a problem.

Another day, same problem on Xcode 12.5.1. It seems that Apple does not want us to use their "brand new" authentication feature.

Same problem. We are in a Catch-22, as we are required to add Sign in with Apple to our app in order for it to be approved, however we have no good way of testing it with the simulator(s) on different devices.

I don't care if Apple goes 2 years without fixing this, but it's totally idiotic from App Reviewers to reject updates when this is a problem directly from Apple.

I have the exact same issue where the spinner is infinitely looping after entering the password, no error, no callback.

Both on Xcode 12.5.1 and Xcode 13 Beta 4.

Apple, please fix it, it's really frustrating that you have to use a physical device, basically, for the whole development.

Sign in is always the first step in the App flow

Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?