Advanced App Clip Experience URL - URL Status: Received

I submitted some Advanced App Clip Experience details via the App Store Connect tools.

The URLS are in a status that says "received". What is the next step?

What does this process really do?

Answered by Engineer in 628332022
There are no additional steps required from you. Once your app and app clip are live, the registered URLs for the advanced experience will automatically start working.

The advanced experience enables additional app clip invocation methods such as NFC tags, visual codes, and Maps (when there is an associated physical location).

For more information about the advanced experience, please see Configuring Your App Clip’s Launch Experience.
Accepted Answer
There are no additional steps required from you. Once your app and app clip are live, the registered URLs for the advanced experience will automatically start working.

The advanced experience enables additional app clip invocation methods such as NFC tags, visual codes, and Maps (when there is an associated physical location).

For more information about the advanced experience, please see Configuring Your App Clip’s Launch Experience.
I only have the app live in Test flight (not to the general public). Will that work?
I'm using xcode12-beta5, it failed in uploading bundle, it stoped at "Authenticating with the App Store", what to do?

In the video posted 'What's new in App Store Connect WWDC2020' (13:32) the status shown as "published".
Both bumbleparrot and I get "received" and it never turns into "published"
I also put my app only in Test Flight, then tried to create an Advance App Clip Experience. When I specified the App Clip Experience URL, I got the following message:
Code Block
This URL is not contained in your app’s associated domains. Update associated domains or use a different URL.

I verified that the URL matches what's in my associated domains for my App Clip's target.

Could my 'apple-app-site-association' file also cause this error? I think it's ok. verified it, but the Apple tool ( returns "Error cannot parse app site association" even though I ensured that Content-Type = application/json in the response.

Thanks for any help!

There are no additional steps required from you. Once your app and app clip are live, the registered URLs for the advanced experience will automatically start working.

Can anyone tell me:
  • What is "live" mean?

  • Will it work on testflight env, I need to test it before publish to production?

  • Is status Received live?

So, if I am seeing a status of "Received", should I expect my Advanced App Clip invocation to work now? Or does it change to something else?


bump. Is Apple listening?

Hi, same issue here, Advanced App Clip Experiences are in "Received" Status.

App as been updated 4 days ago, and still cannot scan the AppClip Codes "No usable data found". Tho, the "Default App Clip Link" from appstoreconnect does work when scan with a regular qr-code.

Anyone knows what could be the issue? Anyone at @Apple Staff could tell me what did I missed?

Same issue here. Our Advanced App Clip Experiences are stuck in "Received" status for over 2 weeks now. Funny thing is, one of them used to be live (can't remember what the status used to say). It was working until we decided to edit 2 words in the tagline of the Advanced App Clip Experience - then it went to "Received" and has never changed! We've submitted 2 app updates since then, both of which were approved and moved to Ready for Sale, but the AACEs stayed in "Received".

We're currently on our 4th person from Apple Dev Support/App Store Support. Can anyone help? We're supposed to demo this on stage at a dev conference in a few days.

I see all of my URLs in the Advanced App Clip Experience as "Received" with a green dot. The ones on there work, but I added a new one. It has the same "Received" status but after 90 minutes it still doesn't invoke the App Clip.

Is this like an app review? I've never seen them turn to 'Activated'.

Has anyone managed to fix this? It's still "Received" for me?

Bump. Same here. Have my Advanced App Clip Experience set up, and "Received" status with a green dot. The App Clip card for this experience is not shown. What is shown is the default App Clip card.

Advanced App Clip Experience URL - URL Status: Received