Have not had issues with any of the previous Big Sur betas. Updated to beta 5 and my system is now completely unstable. Seeing constant kernel panics seemingly due to endpointsecurityd. I have attached a kernel panic log.
Big Sur Beta 5 Constant Kernel Panics
iMac 2017. Tried to reinstall the OS by internet (macOS High Sierra was suggested!) but the system goes always to the recovery page, safe mode does not work anymore. Never had any Symantec software on the computer.
I went in last night and erased the HD an installed Catalina. Maybe when this is resolved I'll try Big Sur again.
Nothing worked for me, finally gave up and did a clean instal of Catalina, what a waste of a weekend. Bravo! Apple
I have uninstalled Symantec but the crash continued.
At last, I wrote a script to auto check and kill 'endpointsecurityd' process, it worked as a temp solution:
(may in the safe mode)save the script and add execute permission to it (chmod +x <filename>), then run sudo ./endpoint_security_killer.sh after the system boot as soon as you can.
At last, I wrote a script to auto check and kill 'endpointsecurityd' process, it worked as a temp solution:
Code Block bash #!/usr/bin/env bash function kill_endpoint_security { local endpoint_security_process=`ps -ef | grep 'endpointsecurityd' | grep -v 'grep'` if [[ "$endpoint_security_process" != "" ]]; then local endpoint_security_pid=`echo $endpoint_security_process | cut -d " " -f 2` if [[ "$endpoint_security_pid" != "" ]]; then kill -9 $endpoint_security_pid echo "kill endpointsecurityd pid: ${endpoint_security_pid}, result: $?" fi fi } while true; do kill_endpoint_security sleep 1 done
(may in the safe mode)save the script and add execute permission to it (chmod +x <filename>), then run sudo ./endpoint_security_killer.sh after the system boot as soon as you can.
Thanks RM9981,
My problem was the same, I followed the exact steps of you and it's been resolved.
My problem was the same, I followed the exact steps of you and it's been resolved.
i did everything successfully. Extension is gone. Removed files. Reboots persist.
I tried everything I found posted and nothing worked but:
Here is what seems to have finally worked for me. I erased my hard drive using recovery. I was able to connect through wifi and boot from my laptop, then used the migrate tool to move my data over. I uninstalled Norton 360 since so many think that was the problem. I restarted afterwards and everything was fine. I changed my option to update automatically to manual updating. I haven't done a complete shut down yet but hoping all will go well.
Here is what seems to have finally worked for me. I erased my hard drive using recovery. I was able to connect through wifi and boot from my laptop, then used the migrate tool to move my data over. I uninstalled Norton 360 since so many think that was the problem. I restarted afterwards and everything was fine. I changed my option to update automatically to manual updating. I haven't done a complete shut down yet but hoping all will go well.
Looks like the culprit on my end was Norton Symantec. After following the steps and removing it, no more crash and reboots after login.
I'm on macOS Big Sur Version 11.0 Beta (20A5354i), 13 inch MBP 2017.
I'm on macOS Big Sur Version 11.0 Beta (20A5354i), 13 inch MBP 2017.
Same problem, i follow the 12 step from "RM9981", and everything OK!
Has Symantec Endpoint Protection been installed on your Mac? Sorry asked and answered.
@RM9981 thanks. I has made an attempt to remove Symantec.
systemextensionsctl uninstall 9PTGMPNXZ2 com.symantec.mes.systemextension was taking a lot os time to complete.
however systemextensionsctl reset helped. I did not have any other extensions
systemextensionsctl uninstall 9PTGMPNXZ2 com.symantec.mes.systemextension was taking a lot os time to complete.
however systemextensionsctl reset helped. I did not have any other extensions
For those who still can't get their Mac to work after following the 12 step process by RM9981 try the following that worked for me:
Check Security & Privacy under System Preferences and go in the Privacy Tab. Make sure there are no more Symantec or Norton files with access in the "Full Disk Access" and "Files and Folders" sections. I still had two processes hiding there even after running the cleaning programs and removing system extensions.
Also, as bbaale suggested, run the command systemextensionsctl reset even if there are 0 extensions left.
For those of you who can't access Safe Mode and your Mac keeps rebooting into Recovery Mode, try clearing PRAM by pressing the power button and then press command-option-p-r. This should lead you to the login screen instead of Recovery Mode and from here you can restart your machine into Safe Mode and follow the steps to remove Symantec files and extensions.
Hope this helps!
Check Security & Privacy under System Preferences and go in the Privacy Tab. Make sure there are no more Symantec or Norton files with access in the "Full Disk Access" and "Files and Folders" sections. I still had two processes hiding there even after running the cleaning programs and removing system extensions.
Also, as bbaale suggested, run the command systemextensionsctl reset even if there are 0 extensions left.
For those of you who can't access Safe Mode and your Mac keeps rebooting into Recovery Mode, try clearing PRAM by pressing the power button and then press command-option-p-r. This should lead you to the login screen instead of Recovery Mode and from here you can restart your machine into Safe Mode and follow the steps to remove Symantec files and extensions.
Hope this helps!
RM9981 this whole sequence worked for me. MBP 2017 13