Hey people,
I'm using (or rather trying to use) Swift Packages for my project. This is not about the countless other bumps I found along the road. (Xcode/SPM is still very beta with Xcode 12.0.1 but I'll reserve complaining about for another day). But one I did not even something vaguely useful when googling it.
So I started out using file paths for my dependencies, like:
for some reason that does not work when you want to chain dependencies (Another bug to fix, Apple!). So I wanted to change to versions using a git repo. I gave my repo a tag and put in:
On the command line SPM has no problem resolving this:
In Xcode though, I get the line from the title:
(by the way I have copied this by hand as the message could not even be copy & pasted)
Any ideas how to solve this? Or even debug this any further?
best Roddi
I'm using (or rather trying to use) Swift Packages for my project. This is not about the countless other bumps I found along the road. (Xcode/SPM is still very beta with Xcode 12.0.1 but I'll reserve complaining about for another day). But one I did not even something vaguely useful when googling it.
So I started out using file paths for my dependencies, like:
Code Block .package(name: "BlaBla", path: "/Users/me/GitDev/BlaBla")
for some reason that does not work when you want to chain dependencies (Another bug to fix, Apple!). So I wanted to change to versions using a git repo. I gave my repo a tag and put in:
Code Block .package(url: "ssh://me@server.local/usr/home/me/GitDev/BlaBla", from: "0.0.1"),
On the command line SPM has no problem resolving this:
Code Block % swift package resolve Fetching ssh://me@… Cloning ssh://me@… Resolving ssh://me@… at 0.0.1
In Xcode though, I get the line from the title:
Code Block An unknown error occurred. username does not match previous request (-1)
(by the way I have copied this by hand as the message could not even be copy & pasted)
Any ideas how to solve this? Or even debug this any further?
best Roddi