Automatically Manage Signing Failed after Update to Xcode 12


I just updated my Xcode to version 12.0 from 11.7. Everything work normally on 11.7, I could build, run, archive my app and deploy it to App Store --without any problem.

After, I updated to version 12.0, my app "Automatically Manage Signing" went failed. This is the error message
Code Block
An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string.

I also have reported this issue to OneSignal Github Forum. But, I'm afraid this is not a library's problem.



I am receiving the following message:

Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.App" doesn't include the currently selected device "iPhone" .

I was not receiving this message until I downloaded Xocde 12.0.1

I see no-one has replied to your question, but have you had any luck?

PROBLEM:  Trying to run build on actual device failed, even though the build is successful on my MacBook Pro.
The following error occurred with this message:
  • Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.xxxxxxxxxxxx.Name of -App" doesn't include the currently selected device "iPhone" (identifier 0000xxxx-000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). 

Xcode Help Online Manual

Accounts preferences
  • Use Accounts preferences to manage developer account assets (signing certificates and provisioning profiles), add repositories, and add servers.

To open Accounts preferences, choose Xcode > Preferences and click Accounts.
  •        I Then I clicked on, manage certificates, and added a new certificate by clicking on the plus symbol.

PROBLEM SOLVED:  I then ran my build and my signing error cleared, app was installed on my iPhone 11 Pro Max.
Hopefully this solution helps you.