iOS 14.2 app crashes in arm64e devices if deployed via MDM

iOS 14.2 applications developed using Xamarin are crashing in arm64e CPU devices. These Xamarin apps are deployed using a Mobile Device Management tool(Airwatch or Microsoft Intune). However, the same iOS apps work fine in iOS 14.2 when it is installed via the App Store.

We have seen this issue in Xamarin iOS apps like-
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Seeing AI, etc.

Steps to reproduce,
  1. Configure an MDM tool

  2. Deploy a Xamarin based iOS app to arm64e device (like iPhone 11)

  3. Launch the app after installation

Expected result:
The app should launch and work as expected

Actual result:
The app crashes after 20 seconds with the following error -
Exception Subtype: UNKNOWN0x32 at 0x0000000106464018
VM Region Info: 0x106464018 is in 0x106464000-0x106468000; bytes after start: 24 bytes before end: 16359
ALLOCATE 106460000-106464000 [ 16K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV
  • --> mapped file 106464000-106468000 [ 16K] r-x/r-x SM=COW ...tid=969d6cc3

VMALLOCATE 106468000-1064e8000 [ 512K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV

Termination Reason: Namespace SPRINGBOARD, Code 0x8badf00d
Termination Description: SPRINGBOARD, <RBSTerminateContext| domain:10 code:0x8BADF00D explanation:process-launch watchdog transgression: application<>:1696 exhausted real (wall clock) time allowance of 20.00 seconds | ProcessVisibility: Foreground | ProcessState: Running | WatchdogEvent: process-launch | WatchdogVisibility: Foreground | WatchdogCPUStatistics: ( | "Elapsed total CPU time (seconds): 24.050 (user 24.050, system 0.000), 20% CPU", | "Elapsed application CPU time (seconds): 20.001, 17% CPU" | ) reportType:CrashLog maxTerminationResistance:Interactive>
Triggered by Thread: 0

Thread 0 name: tid_407 Dispatch queue:

Same issue here!

Is there any expected resolution date?

Is there any workaround to avoid this problem?

We are also experiencing this issue with our Xamarin application. Please prioritize this issue.
Our application is also experiencing this issue. Xamarin app works on 13.5 and MDM does not work on 14.2 and MDM deployment. Works if installed from the store.
Hi all,
same here, app installed via Apple Store works fine, but crashes when installed via MDM.

We submitted feedback on this a few days ago. I've just added a crash log to our ticket. Feedback FB8906700. I did notice that there's a Feedback note saying no feedback is being processed until November 30th due to Thanksgiving :-(

The feedback tool says there are "more than 10" similar tickets.
Same problem please fix bug
I just reported this issue (FB8922644) occurring with the NetIQ Authenticator App. MDM is MobileIron Cloud, This happens on all iOS devices that update to iOS 14.2, same issue happened when device updated to 14.3. When we install this app from Apple Store, it works fine. But when the same app is pushed from MDM, all I get is a fingerprint symbol and goes no further...FB8922644
Added feedback item for our application that cannot be deployed by MDM
Same , devices affected are iPhone XR iPad mini 5 and iPhone 11 in our fleet. Mdm is VMware , and do t have the code . Just send it using device assignment . Few hundred devices , feel bad for the people with thousands that are mission critical. No fix in b3 14.3 . Only affects 14.2+.

Does anyone have any updates on the resolution for this issue?
You can keep tabs on the related issue here, where a recent post said:

Our company has been in contact with Microsoft who in turn has been
in contact with Apple. They've been giving us almost daily updates but
haven't made any real progress. Both are aware of the issue, have
reproduced, and are actively engaged in figuring out cause and fix.

Given how easy it is to reproduce the issue, I'm surprised at the time it is taking Apple/Microsoft to figure it out.

I had opened a case through our AppleCare Alliance contract and was told that (1) MS and Apple were aware of the issue and (2) that this was Microsoft's issue to fix. It apparently has something to do with security changes related to how apps manage memory and that the Xamarin Framework would have to be updated

That said, the vendor whose app we're having issues informed us this morning that Microsoft has identified the root cause and are in the process of testing a fix. I don't have a timeline or any more information than this, but it's encouraging.

Same issue. VMWare AirWatch and IBM MaaS360, 14.2. Presented logs to IBM, Everyone pointing fingers. Common denominator 14.2. Affected apps predictive solutions SafetyNet, Viewpoint field view and field manager, Trimble connect off the top of my head
We have the same behaviour with MobileIron MDM using iOS 14.2 and 14.3. When opening MDM app into foreground by our app, our App is still black and crashing after around 20 seconds.
Same issue here in 14.2 and 14.3 using Mosyle MDM. I would think Apple would have a fix by now. Our employees cannot get work done.
Still not working with iOS 14.4 Beta 1.
Is anyone seeing this with applications not build with Xamarin but downloaded using an mdm? Trying to find out if my issue is the same.

We have customers that report the app crashes when downloaded with mdm but works when downloaded from apple store.

But I don't believe our app is build using xamarin. I will have to speak with our developer because this app was made before I was an employee.
We have the same behaviour with app built with Nativescript and deployed via MDM using iOS 14.2, 14.3, 14.4 can't seem to find any workaround.
We are experiencing the same issue.

Trimble Inc. apps crash on launch when deployed via MDM to supervised(no Apple ID required) iPad Mini 5 devices running iOS 14.2/14.3. Apps function correctly if installed directly from App Store (using Apple ID).

This is impacting our business operations, please advise.
Anyone heard if apple is fixing this?
It has been month, any update?
Following this as well. We have two apps that are being effected by this same issue. Both devs don't seem to be any closer to finding a solution and Apple doesn't seem to be helping the situation at all.

Bug seems to have been fixed in iOS 14.4 Beta 2.

Can anyone confirm please?
iOS 14.2 app crashes in arm64e devices if deployed via MDM