How to install iOS 13 on iPhone 6 OR how to use TestFlight on iOS 12.4.9

I really need to install TestFlight on my device which is an iPhone 6, but the app requires iOS 13 or later!
Is there any possible way to get ride of this problem? I mean any possibility other than buying a new iPhone🤪
Same here, i really need to install testflight on iOS 12.4.9 to cater for this device and that's the only device i had right now
Same here :/
Same here @apple please help!
How can I do testing on older devices that a lot of my customers use? Feeling like the rug was pulled out from under me.
when did this happen? We used to not have issues with this. @apple any insight? We have a lot of beta testers asking about IOS 12.4
From the TestFlight docs:

iOS apps: iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 8 or later. App Clips require iOS 14 or later. iMessage apps and sticker packs require iOS 10 or later.

It lists the app as still compatible with iOS 8+, so hopefully this is an unintentional change?

It looks like version 2.7.0 (Aug 17, 2020) was the last version that still had the proper compatibility list.

The latest version 3.0.0 (Nov 11, 2020) is the version that has iOS 13.0 as the minimum iOS version in the compatibility list on
This is a real blocker to app development & testing, please help
Same here. I need to test my app against iOS 11-14.
Same here ;
may it be possible to install v2.7.0 ?

thanks for help
It's really frustrating can not test my apps on Testflight on iOS < 13
I'm running into the same issue - I have users with an older iPad Air which can't update to iOS 13 meaning they can't beta test our app, but our live production version only requires iOS 11. Is this change really done on purpose? There's got to be some workaround for our users with older devices.
Same here!
same here with ios 12.5
same here. we have app users who're using iPhone 6/6S who can't update to iOS 13, yet we're unable to test the app on their devices. very inconvenient.
Same here. @Apple, fix it, please!
Same here. We need testflight on iPhone 6. Apple fix it please
I have the same issue, building new apps which is ready for testing, users use iphone 6 so need to test on this handset. Cannot upgrade iphone 6 device to IOS 13. Apple can you find a solution to this.
More than 2 months to answer this question? Dropping support to iOS12 although the web says it supports iOS >=8? I was expecting more on Apple, especially because just a few days before releasing iOS13 you could buy a new iPod 6th gen (what we did in our company) and they suddenly released 7th gen without upgrading 6th.
Yep is the same with me. I have a IPhone 6 . And IOS 12 . That means I will upgrade to a IPhone X. Apple fix this problem because I wanna to get TestFlight app on IOS 12. I don’t wanna to upgrade to a new iPhone. Please fix this. 😔
Anyone found a way to get around this problem?
Not sure what the problem here. I'm on iPhone 5s with iOS 12.5.1. When I installed the TestFlight from the App Store it offered to install last compatible version, which seems to be 2.7.0. I installed this version and use it to test apps.

Have not you been offered with option to install the last compatible version of TestFlight?
I've not been offered the option to install the old 2.7.0 version. Instead app store prompts me to upgrade my ipod touch gen 6 to iOS 13 which is impossible. I currently have iOS 12.5.1.

As with all apps you can only install older versions if you had installed them before. So an older iPhone will get the option to download the previous version, if it that version was installed in the past. Pretty underhanded move, I just found out after adding some new iPhone 6 beta testers :(
Please help?
Same here too. Most of the apps that i'm using requires IOS 13 and i can't open them with my iPhone 6. Please Apple.
How to install iOS 13 on iPhone 6 OR how to use TestFlight on iOS 12.4.9