How to install iOS 13 on iPhone 6 OR how to use TestFlight on iOS 12.4.9

I really need to install TestFlight on my device which is an iPhone 6, but the app requires iOS 13 or later!
Is there any possible way to get ride of this problem? I mean any possibility other than buying a new iPhone🤪

How do I install iOS 13.0

Fix it plis

I want to download ios 13 on my iphone 6

same issue here with ios 12.5

Help us

Apple: crickets.

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I want to install iOS 13.0 in my phone how can I do it

Same here, iPhone 6 Plus, can't be updated to iOS 13!

We have iOS 5s test units (iOS 12.5.5) running TestFlight. Up until recently, we were able to restore the iPhone 5s test units from a backup to prepare a clean image before the start of new testing. After restoring the iOS 5s units, TestFlight would download and be fully operational. We just restored one of our iOS 5s test units from backup and TestFlight will not reload (Error "Unable to Download Item. Please try again later.").

TestFlight still runs perfectly on the iOS 5s test units that we have not yet restored from backup, so blocking the download of TestFlight to restored iPhones that already have TestFlight installed is just an unnecessary/arbitrary obstacle that Apple is creating.

On a side note, we also have iPhone 4s units running TestFlight. Up until recently, we were able to restore the iPhone 4s devices from backup and TestFlight would become fully operational after the full restore. TestFlight still runs perfectly fine on the iPhone 4s devices that we have not restored from backup.

Why block the full restoration of older iPhones that are still perfectly good and required for software testing?

same here

same here

How to install iOS 13 on iPhone 6 OR how to use TestFlight on iOS 12.4.9 -



I am iphone6 user. It is really frustrating that I cannot upgrade to iOS13. Many apps including Amazon have stopped app on iOS<13. it is forcing customers to purchase new phone which is not good.

This is really frustrating. How are we supposed to test you apps on older devices? Dear Apple, if you remove this possibility without any notice AT LEAST provide some other way to distribute test versions to older devices. There are plenty of iOS 12 devices still out there and we need to test against those too.

Need an iOS 13 upgrade to install banking apps and many applications 😔😔😔

@apple please give an update for iphone6..... most of the apps require ios 13 and above....

Yes there is

Yes of course

Same here. My little iphone 6 is a garbage now? It is not fair.

How to install iOS 13 on iPhone 6 OR how to use TestFlight on iOS 12.4.9