Using to open doors with NFC reader


At my office the doors are locked with an NFC reader. We carry around a little NFC tag on our key chains which will read out a number and this then will open the door if the number matches a number in the database.

I am tired of carrying around the tag, people keep loosing it, forgetting it and it would be nice to open the door using a Phone - which we tend to always have on us.

So I used a credit card which is NFC enabled to readout the NFC information, added this number to the database and can now open doors using my credit card. This is pretty cool. If I forget my keys (most likely they will be on the desk but silly me left the desk without them), I may have my wallet with me.

Then I tried on my iPhone and select the same credit card. However the door doesn't open. When looking in the door software I noticed that the tags will always transmit the same number. So does my credit card. However will read out 4 readings (or maybe just one very long one) and they are always different. So I can not make them match with the door database.

Any ideas how to make this work? Can I give somehow an NFC number which I can then add to my door database? Or how come the credit card and the very same one in don't match?

Thanks for your help! Would be neat if I could make this work out. This will make a lot of people happy at my office!

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of Walzl Down vote post of Walzl
  • I totally agree I have the same problem. But I couldn’t find a solution. Maybe there is some one who can create an app that could do this

  • I understand your problem and fully agree to that.

    However, i have implemented a workaround here, which works flawless since years.

    I‘ve put a NFC sticker next to my door. I also have added a workflow/shortcut that triggers when the phone is next to the sticker and simply opens the door.

    Not the same, management gets harder for many devices, but it works.

  • Deemer and where's the security of it? The phone reads the nfc stick, and then? Send a response to a server or what? What if the service of the server is not running?


Other demo NFC pass creating site:

  • Is it for companies only, or can we use it for personal purpose?

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It looks they have implemented a static Rfid card feature which is used by hotel chains to add keycard to wallet .

does that mean someone can create an app to create a unique rfid from phone that can be then used by eg lock to learn the rfid code ?

  • Who tells you that this is a static id?

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Can you please give a try with this app "Wallet Creator" which allows to generate types of wallet cards?

Tried the Wallet Creator as given above. But unfortunaly it will not work. It can provide a serialnr. But it will not scan the NFC inside the lock or card. So we have to look further. Anyone a solution?

Question: How to unlock the Ikea Rothult by using the iPhone NFC.

Can you explain how you accomplished this...

So I used a credit card which is NFC enabled to readout the NFC information, added this number to the database and can now open doors using my credit card

Perhaps it's time the European Commission leaned on Apple on this front, after basically forcing them to use USB-C. This stranglehold on the NFC chip in Apple mobile devices could really be considered market protectionism. And since no tech journalist dares to mumble this, maybe the EC should.

I am also desperately looking for a static uid solution.

So none of the transit cards are static, you guys tried all of them? I only tried „tap“ and that one is dynamic.

  • I was able to add Suica to my Wallet from within the UK. I had to add funds to the card 1000 JPY (approx £6/7$) to get it added to apple wallet. but the device number like all Apple Pay cards only showed the last 4 digits. I downloaded their app and it showed me the card number with the same 4 digits, so I can only assume its the same number. my current fob lets me access the system they use has a max of 12 characters and unfortunately the Suica card gave me 13 has got anywhere with this?

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Hey y'all! I found this on the apple support pages:

So they are stating that you may use Apple Wallet to store your hotel room's key etc. within Wallet. I did not find a tutorial, though. But maybe it helps!

Also looking for a way to do this, will Apple have a official reply on this? Is it possible ?

I would be more than happy to find some tutorials or insights. We are empty (don't have the NFC reader) but we are ready for an android version that uses Host Card Emulation. We would need to know if it is feasible in Apple iOS to create a pass in our app that goes to Wallet and then is ready to be used as an NFC card. It's quite difficult to understand if it is possibile, if so how, and what kind of readers do we need. Android docs states that reader should be ISODep compatible, here i'm searching but could not find any help. We can't go for external paying services

Any news on this? Has anybody successfully taken a travel card and made it work with a static nfc code?

Still nothing?

While I want Apple to support this natively, this may be possible using a small NFC tag under your phone's case or attached to the back. Something like this: (The price is ridiculous, but I guess they know they have a niche thing that people want.) It essentially doesn't use the iPhone's NFC chip. I don't have one of these (yet) and am not sure if this would affect Qi charging or have any other ill effect.

I think this might be the solution to your problem

Through our work at, have a bit of experience with this topic:

  1. We manufacture NFC card / mobile readers and also allow to enroll 3rd party NFC cards including credit cards:
  2. When using credit card wallets such as Apple Wallet or crypto related wallets like you suggest, those will encrypt the credit card number and require a security decoding at the receiving end - in this case the NFC wall reader.

The only way to use NFC based cards on wallets on Apple devices is via Apple Wallet as outlined here:

  • And what about Apple VAS protocol? ;)

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