Enterprise deployment limits

I have a client who is a larger pharmaceutical company, we are making an app for them that they want to only make available for a select group of people. The end-users may use their own device or a hospital device BUT not controlled by pharmaceutical company - is this ok under Enterprise deployment?

This is how the Apple Developer Enterprise Program License Agreement (see adcdownload.apple.com/Documentation/License_Agreements__Apple_Developer_Enterprise_Program/Apple_Developer_Enterprise_Program_License_Agreement_20160921.pdf) defines Deployment Devices:

“Deployment Devices” collectively means (a) Authorized Test Units, and (b) other iOS Products, Apple Watch products, and/or macOS Products owned or controlled by: (i) You or Your Permitted Entity, and/or (ii) Your Employees or Permitted Users but only to the extent that You (or Your Permitted Entity) have the ability to remove or disable Your Internal Use Application from such devices.

Thanks for your response. I'm not entirely clear if in practical terms we can allow users who have devices not owned by ourselves or the client we are representing under this program? This bit ..."but only to the extent that You have the ability to remove or disable Your Internal Use Application..." Im not sure if by 'you' mean that we need to have direct control of the users iPad somehow - ie. access to their apple ID?


Usual disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer or an Apple employee, this is just my opinoin.

You don't necessarily need to know the user's Apple ID specifically, but you may need some kind of unique identifier, which may be an email address, which may happen to be the one they use for their Apple ID. The ability to disable the app could involve periodically requiring a login (using their email address as a username, or some other unique username you or they choose, and a password) that contacts a server to see if the user is still allowed to use the app. If not, the app could simply show a blank screen with an "app disabled" message (or whatever message you prefer). If the app will only be used on devices that are not connected to WiFi or Cellular Data, that obviously wouldn't work, not sure how you would handle that scenario.

If the company devices are controlled with an MDM system, it could manage installing/removing the app for those devices.

Enterprise deployment limits