How to allow new users download last compatible App version


I have a question about App availability on previous iOS versions.

Suppose we have an App in App Store with Deployment target set to iOS 7 (so users with iOS 7 and iOS 8 can download the App).

After that we updated Deployment target to iOS 8 and published App on App Store.

Now, we have 2 categoies of users with iOS 7 (related to our App):

– old users (downloaded App before update)

– new users (haven't downloaded App yet)

After that we are experiencing next situation:

– old users with iOS 7 still can download App: App Store offers to download last compatible version (like described here:

– new users with iOS 7 can't download App: App Store says that user should update iOS version before download.

The question is: is it possible to allow new users with iOS 7 download last compatible version?

Answered by KMT in 35049022

>...a customer of mine is having problems downloading my app. He is a "new user"

Users (old/existing) can only _re_download older versions where they've already/originally downloaded version x. New users can only download the current store version. Perhaps your example is different from the OP's, in which case you may want to start your own unique thread.

If your latest version (the only one that will show up on the App Store) is IOS 8+ then users with IOS 7 will not be able to download it.

I was under the impression that it was possible to download the last compatible version. Consider the situation where the user purchases the app from iTunes on the desktop. They should then be able to download the last compatible version from the Purchased screen in the App Store app on their device, like the "old users" in OP's description.

Hm. I didn't think it would allow that. Granted, I rarely touch the app store on my laptop. I'll look into it.

I was under the impression that this was allowed as well. Appe has documenation here ( that implies it should work. I am pretty sure I have seen it work with the OP's "old users" but a customer of mine is having problems downloading my app. He is a "new user". I have tried contacting Apple about this, but have not been able to get any answers yet. Does anyone know if a "new user" can download the latest compatible version of the app and, if they can, how?

Accepted Answer

>...a customer of mine is having problems downloading my app. He is a "new user"

Users (old/existing) can only _re_download older versions where they've already/originally downloaded version x. New users can only download the current store version. Perhaps your example is different from the OP's, in which case you may want to start your own unique thread.

KMT - I think my situation is the same as the OP. My latest version only supports iOS 6.1 and higher, but my new customer wants to use it on iOS 6.0.1. Based on your reply, he can not get any version of the app unless he first downloads it to a device running iOS 6.1 and higher. Is that correct? The customer is asking me to send an old version of the ipa file, but my understanding of the license agreement (section 7) is that sending the ipa for an older version of the app outside of the store is forbidden. It sounds like I don't have any way to help him.

Your 'customer' is trying to fool you and steal your app so they can jailbreak it and put it on their site for pirates. Be smart and ignore such cons.

And again, this is nothing like the OP's situation, so don't hijack their thread, thanks.

KMT - Thanks for the feedback. I won't waste anymore time/space explaining why I think my issue is related to the OP, but I apologize for the apparent thread hijack. It was unintentional.

hi, did you solve your problem?

i have the same situation as you. my app support ios5.1 and later, but i plan to change lowest supported os to ios7. i hope that

1、 devices with ios5.1 can download old version of my app

2、ios7/8 device download new version of my app.

my question is how to set in itunes connent? or just sumbit my new version app?

I didn't find a way to allow "new users" to download last compatible version. I'm afraid it is not possible at all.

How to allow new users download last compatible App version