Possible to determine if song supports lossless, spatial audio?

Given an MPMediaItem the user selected from MPMediaPickerController or from MPMusicPlayerController.systemMusicPlayer.nowPlayingItem, is it possible to find out if this song is lossless and if it supports Spatial Audio? Thanks!

Accepted Reply

Hello @Jordan,

We have updated MusicKit in iOS 16 beta 1 with a few related APIs:

These additions fill the gap you originally inquired about in this thread.

Most of our new efforts for Apple platform SDKs are focused on MusicKit, so we have decided not to release corresponding new APIs in the Media Player framework.

You can find more information about these new MusicKit APIs and many other in our new WWDC22 session video: Explore more content with MusicKit.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

  • Thanks so much for the follow-up 🥺

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Hello @Jordan,

Information about whether a song is lossless or if it supports spatial audio is not exposed in MPMediaItem or MPMusicPlayerController's nowPlayingItem.

If having access to this information would enable new interesting use-cases in your app, please submit this idea as a feature request on Feedback Assistant with any relevant background information.

Best regards,

  • Thanks, I have submitted FB9141288

  • Hello @Jordan,

    Thank you very much. We'll keep track of this feedback item, and discuss it internally to determine if we can offer new API support in this area.

    Best regards,

  • I would like to have a property of lossless in MPMediaItem or somewhere to be enabling or disabling lossless. I'm not sure a reason why but sometimes music which supported lossless will be stopped suddenly (usually, within 15 seconds) when playing on my music player (applicationMusicPlayer). Still under investigating...

Hello @Jordan,

We have updated MusicKit in iOS 16 beta 1 with a few related APIs:

These additions fill the gap you originally inquired about in this thread.

Most of our new efforts for Apple platform SDKs are focused on MusicKit, so we have decided not to release corresponding new APIs in the Media Player framework.

You can find more information about these new MusicKit APIs and many other in our new WWDC22 session video: Explore more content with MusicKit.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

  • Thanks so much for the follow-up 🥺

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How do we know if the device supports Lossless Audio from Settings -> Music -> Audio Quality -> Lossless. Is there a flag in an Apple SDK that can tell us and based on that we can show the Lossless glyph or not.