Monterey Beta - some controls not displaying in Menu Bar

After installing Monterey Beta, I noticed some controls like Audio, Bluetooth, Network, date & time, etc are not displaying the Menu Bar. Is this happening to someone else?

Haven't had that happen, that said, if you go to System Preferences > Dock & Menu Bar, do the options to show, the items you're missing, in the menu bar help resolve your issue?

They are all checked.

This problem auto-solved. Not sure what may have fixed besides the several reboots due to instability.

I've had the same here on a 2016 MBP. I mostly use an external screen.

It's occasionally come back (once without rebooting), but mostly is missing. The settings look correct. Not a massive issue, but annoying

I have this issue as well on a 2019 mbp. This is due to coreaudio which does not launch properly. It prevents the icons from showing in the menubar. audio, bluetooth, date&time do not show up. Trying to open the sound preferences or siri preference fails. Same if I try to launch Apple midi setup. I have to kill the coreaudiod process... but I am sometimes lucky or unlucky. Sometimes the icons will appear and then everything works fine. Have not found what is causing this issue. I hope that Apple fixes it in a future beta.

Monterey Beta - some controls not displaying in Menu Bar