Hiding Phone app on iOS with MDM

Is it possible to hide the Phone app on supervised iPhones? I am trying to understand this sentence from Apple documentation:

"Show or Hide apps: MDM can configure exactly which apps can be used. All built-in and third-party apps can be hidden with the exception of Phone (on iPhone only) and Settings."

Is this saying that Phone cannot be hidden at all? Or that it can only be hidden on iPhones?

Thank you!

Just ran into this and came up with a solution maybe others in the same boat would find helpful. Needed to restrict access to opening the phone app for our deployment. (Very specific use case in a school). Couldn't remove it from the home screen, but here is what I came up with:

I used shortcuts to create an automation that goes to the home screen when the phone app is opened. That way, if a kid tries to open it, it just closes (in about 1 second). Then, I used MDM to hide the shortcuts app. Now they can't change the shortcut.

Hiding Phone app on iOS with MDM