iOS 15 beta causing problems with personal hotspot

I updated my iPhone 11 Pro to iOS 15 beta and I think it is causing problems with my personal hotspot.

I live in a rural area with almost no options for decent, home WiFi; my options are DSL and satelite. For the last 8-9 months, I've used my iPhone's hotspot for gaming, streaming, and pretty much everything else. I've had no issues and it has saved me a ton of money!

However, the day I updated my phone to iOS 15 beta, any non-Apple device I connect my hotspot to will not load anything... For example, my PlayStation 5 is able to download software updates and game updates with pretty quick speeds when connected to my hotspot, but it will not allow me to play any games online or pull up any streaming services. It says the connection is too weak. The same thing applies to my Roku that's plugged into my TV in the bedroom. Both of these worked really well before updating.

When I connect my iPad to my hotspot, everything loads incredibly fast.

I've contacted my phone service provider and they've assured me that my cell service is not the issue.

Has anyone else experienced this and is there anyway to fix it?

Thank you!

Hi there!

I'm experiencing the same problem, I have made a feedback to apple about this issue hoping it will be fixed in the next beta :)

Much love and regards, Ryan

same issue with official iOS 15 iPhone 11 When trying to connect to the wifi with using hotspot it dosent connect thought my laptop. Anyone has experienced yet?

Anyone find a fix to this....downloaded iOS 15 with the release (9-21-2021) and now my Surface won't connect to the hotspot.....

APPLE ***???? I use everyday a hotspot on win10... iOS 15 is comeing and bummmm.... WHAT THE HELL?? I CAN'T USE MY HOTSPOT?

I'm having the same issue with a surface. Won't connect to iphone that has been updated to ios 15, but will connect to iphone that is still running ios 14.8. I've tested multiple phones with the same result. pre ios 15 works and ios 15 does not. I've tried all the standard trouble shooting I've seen posted with no luck. If anyone has a fix, I would love to hear it.

I have the same problem 😳 Any news about a solution?

Hello! I upgraded my Iphone 8 to iOS 15. After the update, the following programs work on a HOTSPOT connection on a PC: Steam,, Ubisoft Connect. Has anyone experienced anything like this? What could be the solution?

Thanks to: Péter Mátyás

i have the same issue after updating iPhone 12 pro hotspot not working

IOS 15 re frissítés után ugyan van Hot-spot lehetőségem. a Gépem is látja az Internetet és még az oldalak is betöltenek viszont. Nem lehet internetes játékokhoz csatlakozni vagy Torrenteket letölteni mert azt írják a programok nincs internet (csatlakozási hiba). szabályoz az IOS 15?

Exactly the same problem - downloaded ios15 on release day and ever since my Samsung Smart TV cannot connect to my personal hotspot, whereas it worked extremely well before. Any updates on this?

Same problem on my iPhone 12 Pro. Updated to iOS 15. I reset the network settings and it popped up for like 2 seconds then went away. I have to use my old iPhone 11 with the old 14.7 iOS to connect to non Apple products

I’m using i phone 12 pro when I updated to ios 15 which i wish I didn’t do.. i’m having an issue with the hotspot I can’t connect to the same devices that i used to connect pleas work it out as soon as possible


When I updated my iPhone 12 Pro Max to iOS 15, my android device wouldn’t stay connected to hotspot. I went under Personal Hotspot settings and turned on “Maximize Compatibility” and it seems to be working fine again. Hope that works for you too.

Same issue.. downloaded iOS 15 on my iPhone 12 today and now my Surface won't connect to the hotspot.. anyone please save 😕

Same problem here with the IOS 15, cant connect to hotspot now, ***!! is there a fix for this yet? if not why was this rolled out for download when it is broken.. This is ridiculous and might swing me to the android side if there isnt a fix soon... Not happy at all..

I confirm 10000% this is an iOS 15 issue.

i have 4 devices

iphone 11 Pro, iPhone X, iPhone 12, iPhobe 12 Pro

this is NOT a device issue !!!?

HOTSPOT worked on all 4 devices immediately prior to upgrade iOS 15 from 14.8

HOTSPOT connects to other device (laptop or computer. Non apple) but shows (NO INTERNET)

apple needs to roll out a fix fast. This is absurd.

I had the same problem today. I went to the AT&T store and they sent some bits to my phone and the hotspot works again. I don't think you'll get if fixed w/o this step.

Same issue here. I can share my mobiledata as hotspot, i can connect to it (watch youtube, or browse internet) but cannot connect to my work VPN.. (tried the steam and other games and didn't work). Some update about the problem?

updated to 15.01 and still issue is unresolved.. on top of it my multi factor authentications have got lost.. seriously 😐

iOS15 replaced WiFi protocol WPA2 with more secure WPA3. I'm sure you'll "appreciate" that you can now use "easier to remember passwords". Actually NOT - as I can't connect to it anymore.

I've been working in IT security for quite some time - good security is useless if it breaks 90% of connectivity. I can't use iPhone hotspot with my car any more, neither with not-so-old laptops.

Pretty crap if you can't downgrade it in the hotspot configuration!

The problem is the new "more secure" protocol - WPA3. It's damn secure as I even my devices can't connect to it. I wonder if Apple gets paid by mobile network providers for saving them data bandwidth.

So I got my new iPhone 13 now. Running iOS 15.1 won’t connect to widows laptop hotspot

Did anyone find a solution or workaround to this yet?

Here‘s my story:

iOS 15.0 as well as 15.0.1 seem to break my personal hotspot for other Apple-devices. Strangely, first it worked without a problem with iOS 15 and an iPad (running iPadOS 15.0) until I noticed it didn’t work with my MacBook. To be precise, the personal hotspot as a router seemed to work… the MacBook connected to the personal hotspot and got a IP-Adress, but just didn’t send any packages out to the web or vice versa - in other words: no internet. So I did some troubleshooting: changed the iPhones name, deleted any saved information on the MacBook, reseted the network settings on the iPhone… but the problem stayed. At some point i got curious about my mobile provider and thought, maybe they changed some carrier settings or blocked the personal hotspot function for my number. But that wasn’t the case either: checked for carrier updates and tested the hotspot-function with other SIM-cards in my XR (also my SIM in other iPhones) and all SIMs worked as a hotspot, aslong as they weren’t in my XR. After that I saw the Update for iOS 15.0.1 - couldn’t find any changelogs about the described issue, but gave it a chance anyway… After the update to 15.0.1, not even my iPad could connect anymore - with exactly the same behavior. I doublechecked every VPN, private relay, DNS or Proxy… but no chance after all.

So I opened a discussion on the Apple Community - and got the tip to get in contact with my carrier…:

So, just finished testing after an other call with my carrier. They reset the SIM and, me on my side, reset the network settings, restarted the phone, changed the iPhones name, changed the password for the personal hotspot, logged out of the iCloud account… still: any device can connect to the personal hotspot over my iPhone and gets an IP-Adress, but none can access the internet over it. Tried the SIM in a 4G mobile router, and it worked. From my point of view, carrier and SIM is fine - there is no way the problem isn‘t correlated with my iPhone XR / iOS 15. The problem just started with the update to iOS 15. Or am I missing something?

since the update of IOS 15 he hotspot is not working. My colleagues have the same issiue, the ones who didn't update (they use 14.8 IOS) they can still connect to the Iphone hotspot with non apple devices.

Apple has to bring out a fix quickly. this is not acceptable. I updated a fix for some other issues today (05-10-2021) but the hotspot problem is still not fixed.

it's a WPA3 encryption problem probably, but it has to work backwards with WPA2 also. so fix it please.

Please hurry up.

I had this problem with my Surface Pro 3. I updated the Marvell Wi-Fi driver to version 15.68.17015.112, and now I can connect perfectly.

I'm guessing that there was some issue with WPA3 and the previous driver 15.68.9127.58.

I found the newer driver by performing a Google search. Windows Update will not update the driver automatically for some reason.

I hope this helps someone else.

iOS 15 beta causing problems with personal hotspot