iOS 15 beta causing problems with personal hotspot

I updated my iPhone 11 Pro to iOS 15 beta and I think it is causing problems with my personal hotspot.

I live in a rural area with almost no options for decent, home WiFi; my options are DSL and satelite. For the last 8-9 months, I've used my iPhone's hotspot for gaming, streaming, and pretty much everything else. I've had no issues and it has saved me a ton of money!

However, the day I updated my phone to iOS 15 beta, any non-Apple device I connect my hotspot to will not load anything... For example, my PlayStation 5 is able to download software updates and game updates with pretty quick speeds when connected to my hotspot, but it will not allow me to play any games online or pull up any streaming services. It says the connection is too weak. The same thing applies to my Roku that's plugged into my TV in the bedroom. Both of these worked really well before updating.

When I connect my iPad to my hotspot, everything loads incredibly fast.

I've contacted my phone service provider and they've assured me that my cell service is not the issue.

Has anyone else experienced this and is there anyway to fix it?

Thank you!

Same problem with my iPhone and iPad since I upgraded to ios15.

I use hotspot to connect my laptop when I’m outside my house or office and now doesn’t work.

@Apple, please fix it

I have the same problem: using iPhone X to create a personal hotspot, my Samsung TV won’t connect. But if I connect it to my iPad Pro 2018, it works… Both are running iOS 15

You can try disabling ‘private IP address’ option. It worked for me.

I am experiencing the same issue. Is it a bug or deliberate attempt?

The issue is the IOS15 / personal hotspot Service. Have an bug in the DHCP and not release IPV4 Client details. need to Apple fix it.

I found this via google, high in the results and no one had an answer so here is my findings in case they help someone else.

This issue is still in iOS full public release 15.0.2, and breaks hotspot for both windows and older iOS 9 devices. I have no issue between iPadOS 14 and an iPhone in the family it prompts and joins automatically via the secret apple method.

My guess is lack of, or newer QOS version on the hotspot from limited testing.

The answer on windows which should fix those working remotely: Find your way into the ‘Network Connections’ right click on your wifi device and select ‘properties’ under which you will see a list of tick boxes. Untick ‘QOS Packet Scheduler’ and click ‘Ok’.

You may have to go into ‘Manage known networks’ and forget the existing connection to your hotspot. The only settings in that are basic and likely defaults so they can be redone if needed. password automatic connection public or private random MAC address metered connection Y/N

Sorry no idea on a fix for older iOS as you can’t control those options. Same for any other device where you can’t set QOS options.

Finger crossed apple fixes this as I know a lot of people who are stuck on iOS 14 until this is resolved as they are all working remotely and can’t take the risk.

the same problem here. i can't connect to either laptop or playstation. actually for nothing. this is already a joke category. this is my only iternet source and i can't use it. thank you apple. at least you would give me some news that something is going on in the case!

I have this annoying problem for weeks now... I talked with my mobile network operator's (MNO) support which is the Telenor-HU and with the Apple support too many times about this, but they couldn't help me. The problem affects many Telenor-HU iPhone users who updated their iPhones to iOS 15 and the MNO knows about this problem (they told me that they are already reported the issue directly to Apple, but Apple didn't fix it with v15.0.2 release). The problem occurs with both USB and Wi-Fi connection (for me), some ports are blocked by the phone's OS and Steam,, BitDefender, etc... can't connect to their login and/or update servers on the PCs... I switched the SIM card to Telekom-HU with one of my colleagues and after that all the programs started to working well. I also put my SIM card to my old LG G8S and I had no problems with the hotspot.

Conclusion for me:

  • The problem occurs with just some MNOs (I think globally), but the problem is not on their side
  • The problem came with the iOS 15 major update
  • The problem affects the hotspot feature over Wi-Fi and USB connection too

Múltkor én is ezt a magyarázatot kaptam hogy IPv6 probléma lesz, de ez így akkor sem normális dolog. Innentől kezdve akkor teljesen felesleges a hotspot funkció a telefonba. Úgysem tudom semmire megosztani. Se laptop se tv se ps. Ez volt az utolsó apple cuccom. Jobs meg forog a sírjában.

Does anyone know if release 15.02 fixed this mess ?

Not fixed 🙄 can’t believe after 2 updates the issue still not fixed.. is Apple even hearing??

I have the same problem. Telenor HU carrier hotspot won't working properly.

Here’s the temp fix i’ve been using. So what I’ve been doing is turning off the wifi in settings, turning on hotspot (wifi-only), restarting the phone and when it comes back up, I can now connect to the ios15 hotspot

Hope it helps someone

15.1 and still not working…how is that possible that no one cares about this issue. We customers can do nothing about this. Why are we ignored? At least say something

I just spoke to Apple Support and this particular tech, I was her first call that shes had regarding an issue with the hotspot no longer working... Hopefully they start to hear it from more and more people to release a patch on fixing this issue. Definitely frustrating.

Why the f can i buy iphone 13 pro max? Why did I buy this even if I can't use a hotspot with it? This phone is $ 1,500 in Hungary ... and it doesn't know a basic thing !!!

I just want to use the hotspot for Steam to play on my laptop

Update... I was able to successfully connect my Surface Pro 3 via Bluetooth by joining it through a "Personal Area Network."

Not sure if this process is the same with every laptop, but worth a shot. Didn't have to update any wifi drivers...

  1. Make sure you are connected via bluetooth to the device in question.
  2. Right click the bluetooth icon and select "Join a Personal Area Network"
  3. Select your device
  4. Select "Connect to device network"

My wifi icon changed from the standard signal bars to a "plug & screen" icon.

Hope this helps.

I earlier encountered the same problem when I updated to iOS 15 beta. The solution I found was to downgrade to iOS 14.x, and of course, the alternative way is much easier... retrieve your older iPhone from the garage and use it as a hotspot sharing router.

My iPhone 5s may not seem representable but it's still working and is able to connect my other devices including AirportExpress 1st generation, iPhone 8+, iPhone X, MacbookPro, Apple TV 3rd, iPhone 12 to the internet all at the same time.

By the way, I'd never replaced the iPhone 5s battery so I sometimes place it on an ice pillow.

Few weeks ago my phone was auto updated to OS 15.x and my hotspot started stopping my old devices connecting to it.

After months of this lame upgrade. Here is what I know.

  1. apple is clueless about it. Or they act like it.

  2. Bluetooth connection instead of WiFi will run less than 1 MB/sec

  3. your only way is USB connection to your laptop or desktop and it works super fast.

sadly we have to wait for these apes at Apple to fix it.


Well, I had the same problem, went to Apple where they told me to backup and reset the phone. I won't starting to that procedure so much, so I decide to search for a solution on the net.

I find a lot of things, as resetting network setting, turn on and of flight mode. change and check setting for the cellular network etc. etc. nothing worked.

As least I readed something about, taking your simcard out (fysically or re-install e-sim) to solve the problem.

And guess what!! PROBLEM SOLVED :) I can connect my non-APPLE devices again :) So just try- No you have YES you can get :)

Have a nice day! ;)


The problem is that iOS15 only supports Hotspot wifi connections that have WPA3 encryption. With the update to iOS15 iPhones/iPads will not allow Hotspot connections to any device that has only WPA2/WPA encryption - which older laptops used.

Solution - buy a Wifi USB adaptor that supports WPA3 and plug it in to one of your USB ports on your laptop. You can find them under $40.

for Surface Pro 3 laptops - the default wifi driver does not allow for WPA3 connection. BUT you can see the fix at the Apple Communities
The driver can be updated by following the suggestion there.

We Shouldn't be forced into purchasing a Wifi USB adaptor that supports WPA3 or going back to using a USB cord. This is crazy, Apple is a global organisation with billions in profits even throughout covid. It is not ok that we cannot roll back IOS upgrades. It is not acceptable! My wifi hotspot was working perfectly until the IOS 15 update. Now my ***** smart phone will not even turn back on. This is just not good enough Apple.

Apple elmehet ezek után a picsába. Köszönjük!

iOS 15 beta causing problems with personal hotspot