Opening Safari with URL via terminal also opens URL in default browser (Chrome)

When using the command open in the terminal, there seems to be this weird issue/behavior where if run to open a specific application (in this case Safari) where my current default browser is Chrome, the following command would open up in both Safari and my default browser.

open -a /Application/

Opening up a different browser, such as Firefox does not have this issue. In that case, only the specified application does run as expected.

open -a /Application/

open -a Firefox

Is this a bug or a desired effect?

(Tested macOS 11.4)

I have the same issue in Ventura 13.1 on my Mac Studio. Seems like a bug to me.

I'm observing the described behavior on my Mac M1 (13.5.1) as well.

Surely this cannot be intentional.

Opening Safari with URL via terminal also opens URL in default browser (Chrome)