Signing identity error "-"

(I posted this in the "Distribution >> App Submission and Review" forum 2 days ago but it has not received a response. Trying here...)

I had to rebuild my iMac a few months ago and I restored from my Time Machine backup.

I now need to make a change to an app but what used to compile without error is now failing at the codesign step with:

Signing Identity: "-"

As far as I can see, all of the account profiles are valid with expiry dates in the future. The only 'odd' thing is that some have a 'Download' button in the 'Action' column of the 'Provisioning Profiles' seciotn of the account details - when I select the "Download All Profiles" button, they turn grey but never seem to download or disappear (even after aiting for several hours!). Looking at the 'developer' web page, all of my certificates and provisioning profiles are all active.

Any ideas welcomed



Trying another way to get moving again, do I need to regenerate all of my certificates?

Is there a way to determining which certificate is missung/in error?

Will regenerating all certificates mean I loose access to the existing app in the app store? If so which one(s) do I need to keep to avoid this? Alternatively is there a way of moving the existing store app to the new certificate?


By the way, I'm now on XCode 8.2 (8C38) and the behavious is the same as before)

Does anyone have a way forward? I'm stuck and unable to build any apps.

Should **** away XCode and resinstall and try to install the certificates again? (I know KMT recommended against this course of aciton but that was over a month ago and there has been nothing since.)


(Off Topic)

Where have the various replies by KMT gone?

While the problem has not been solved, those replies may have helped others with the same/similar problem and also provide context to some of my remaining posts.


Suddenly I got this prob today. I had been scared any time Apple update their os. Everything may go wrong with no reason, customer will screaming, manager will angry and we will stuck with extremely stress.

Check your free disk space. I have the same problem and I solved it once I had free space again.

Suddenly I got the same problem:

Signing Identity:     "-"

I rolled back my source code and it was fixed.

I think It was not a signing problem. Probably my application was broken.

Somehow this can be caused by adding a folder reference named "Resources" to your bundle. Renaming the folder fixed this issue for me.

I post my solution in this thread: Xcode CodeSigning Error - You can try to set the CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY to empty in Build Setting. The default of it is "Sign to Run Locally"

General ---> Framworks,Libraries, and Embedded Content ---> opencv.framework---> Embed---> "Embed & Sign" to"Do Not Embed", fixed this issue for me.

For me changing the resources part in the Package.swift of the affected module from ".copy()" to ".process()" solved it.

Signing identity error "-"