Swift 5 Abi Stability App Thinning macOS 10.14.4

I have updated my projects to Swift 5 and as such, we have modified our Applications to require macOS 10.14.4 or newer to avoid having to require our customers to install the "Swift 5 Runtime Support for Command Line Tools". I would also like to take advantage of not including the Swift libraries in our apps as well.

In XCode, it only lets me set the deployment target by the os minor version. (ie. 10.13, 10.14, 10.15). If I select 10.14, it adds the swift libraries. If I select 10.15, it does not. This is a difference of 11.4 MB per target. We still need to support 10.14.4 and newer 10.14.x versions as many of our customers still use them.

Is there a way/setting to select 10.14 as the deployment target and not include the swift libraries during the build/signing/notarization process?

Accepted Reply

The deployment target is a combobox, you can manually type the macOS version you want into it.


The deployment target is a combobox, you can manually type the macOS version you want into it.